Guarantee we have over 100k actual cases/day already

@goofyballer, are you able to create the table you do for the top 15 for the entire country? For space saving on the board, it’s probably best to do a collapsible ‘Hide Details’ spoiler.

Los Angeles County shutting down the beaches for July 4th weekend, but Los Angeles police say no enforcement.

Casinos still open, LOL. They’re apparently doing a very good job with restrictions from my boots on the ground reports, but there’s no way it’s really enough.

Ruh roh? Headline seems mildly irresponsible but whatever.


The villages is large enough to span 3 counties?

“Ill punch you in the face then discuss time and space.”

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I hope the lady from Connecticut who yelled “Fuck Trump,” at everyone is safe and locked down. I hope everyone else is enjoying themselves and making good personal decisions to exercise their freedoms.

It’s absolutely massive. 32 square miles, 750 miles of roads, and 120k+ mostly deplorable residents.

Holy shit, never knew it was that massive

King County Washinton (area that includes Seattle)

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He should have moved it to his side and slightly behind for the one with the mask.

No such luck. Arizona numbers for today are fubar (625 cases compared to 3500+ recently), supposedly will be fixed tomorrow.

This popped up next to a headline about stocks being up. I think a “good job” from here would be to “only” double deaths between now and the election, but that seems like a pipe dream. We may “flatten the curve” soon, but we won’t squash it. We’ll just get the R0 down to like 1.0 in these places or maybe 1.2 and build some more hospitals.

Just got back from the mall. First shopping trip outside of a grocery store in months. 100% mask wearing among workers and customers alike.

Note that there’s no rule requiring mandatory masks here.


Thanks for doing this. If you could post the 50 state version every Tuesday, it would probably help me line up some stats. It looks to me like most rises are due to SDI effects and not testing changes.

The places where I think any change from the previous week is due to testing or positive SDI are listed below. Caveat again is these are just educated guesses:

Iowa (testing)
Maryland (testing)
Michigan (testing)
Massachusetts (I think this is borderline an actual outpacing of testing, but it’s close)
Nebraska (shows no increase in testing or cases so if accurate this is a good example of what type of caseload should be found at their current SDI level)
D.C. (lowering in testing is presenting a decrease in cases, but this is also likely a continued effect of having a sustained great SDI score)

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I don’t think the article addresses what I had understood was the supposed benefit of Vit D.

I didn’t think it was suggested that it would prevent infection, I thought that if you got infected and had low Vit D levels, then you were more likely to have a poorer outcome (die, end up on a vent, etc.). I didn’t see anything in this article which showed this not to be the case.

It still may not be the case, but I wouldn’t arrive at that conclusion based on this article alone.


Finally, something that might take our minds off covid:

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Don’t give them money though, maybe give them a tax credit for rent they can get back over the next 10 returns. Maybe give them an EBT card and limit it to bread, milk, rice, and beans.

We can’t just give people money, they won’t know how to spend it correctly.

Maybe we can give them a tax credit for vacation and pay them to party!