The hairdresser story is an example of how effective face masks are. They and all their customers apparently wore them.

5th straight day of 40k+ today. I’m seriously wondering how bad the normal Tuesday/Wednesday bump will be at this point. Seems like a lock we hit 50k+ this week and 60k at some point isn’t impossible.

The human race really needs to stop eating meat, or at the very least, mammalian meat.


The original outbreak in Italy was already entirely the G variant.

The science and news seem to be catching up to UP.


As someone who was too young to know this was a TV show but old enough to know this song, it was mind blowing when I learned this was a song by a fictional band on a TV show. This coincidentally just happened within the last year.

Always loved this song.

So it’s not covid related ? If it is , are they still in denial?

I will take even money on 60k in the next 11 days.

There will probably be 50k tomorrow, possibly 60k

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Way to kill my action…

Testing capacity my limit the numbers a bit but 60k+ seems inevitable.

Tomorrow won’t be 60k confirmed, testing is still too low.

I’d expect 50k sweat tomorrow for sure

I chose to go see for myself and HOLY FUCK.

I stepped in on Saturday to get a lay of the land. I am in the midwest so expected shenanigans. No one in these parts of the states gives a fuck about anything but their #freedom.

A posted white board says you MUST wear a mask but may choose to take it off if engaging in an intense exercise, but this must be combined with appropriate social distancing.

There were about four people inside, no employees. None of those people were wearing a mask. One guy looked like fucking death. He was coughing, wiping his nose with his hand. I got the fuck out of there but waited in the corner of the lobby to shake my head and glare at him on his way out. Passive aggressive and hostile for a pacifist, but I am only human.

I was going to call the gym today but decided no, I want to see for myself. I don’t trust the employees to tell me the truth. I need to see what they’re doing in person when the place is actually staffed.

My little gym was fucking packed. Holy shit. And no one, literally no one was wearing a mask. The employees behind the front counter aren’t wearing masks, and they are all grouped together, laughing and chatting.

I’m pretty sure they remember me. I have intense social anxiety and act like a damn weirdo every time I go in there, and even with a mask, I have some obvious and memorable facial scars.

So all the same, I stayed distanced from the desk and waited for one of them to acknowledge me.

I pointed at the whiteboard with the rules. “What’s the story here, guys? You’re not enforcing those rules anymore? No masks required? Pandemic allowed to run unchecked in here?”

Like a deer in headlights, one of them said, “Uh…we don’t require anyone to wear a mask. But YOU can wear one if you want.”

Welp, so much for me having a 10% hope that choosing off hours and wearing a mask might allow me to touch a barbell again within the next 12 months.

I felt like JohnnyTruant, suddenly mad with rage and incapable of being pacified. I have been on a farm in the middle of nowhere for the last month and a half so have been full of anxiety and outrage by following this thread and listening to others in more densely populated areas. But even so, I was simply not prepared to come back into town and see how few fucks anyone gives about the lives of the people around them.

Barnes and Noble was a goddamn delight. An employee at the front door requiring anyone entering to wear a mask. And if you don’t have one of your own, they have a huge box of temporary face masks to hand you one. No excuses. And the store itself was practically empty. I looked around and left to keep it that way.

But of course just down the road, restaurants are open for business with dine-in specials.

I am broke and worried we won’t make rent, but I told my SO I will live out of the fucking car in order for us to move somewhere sane.

Thank you to whoever read my entire rant :innocent:


Completely anecdotal. But summer colds tend to be a lot less intense then winter colds.

50k tomorrow is a lock, 60k this week is unlikely, 60k next week almost 100%.

Biggest sweat is 100k by the end of July. I think we’re about 30% to see it.

I just don’t see how. The hotspots are decreasing testing to cover this up. Testing would have to go up to like 60% in the hot spots

Not sure if this was posted or not.

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There will be a lot more hotspots potentially. ~none of the current hotspots were even a concern at the beginning of June.

Some places are testing adequately, like California.

Also, I think states only have a limited ability to slow down testing. A lot of it is accomplished 100% without their involvement, and labs are seeing more and more demand for tests.

But obviously testing capacity is a big concern, and the main reason I think it’s an underdog to reach 100k this month. Absent that factor, it would almost assuredly happen.