Lol at going to Planet Fitness ever


It actually wasn’t bad; the thing is ultra thin; it’s not like a q tip; just kinda tickles

Thought I’d hate it but no issues jamming it way up there

You sound like every girl I dated in college.


I’ve been looking into how to get tested in NH just in case me or anyone in my family needs to do it. It looks like we have to apply on the website. It asks for insurance info so I’m assuming I’ll get completely screwed as we are on a high deductible plan. So I’m assuming we will probably pay $1000 for a test that costs about $25. Oh well, the perils of high deductible plans.

Edit: Actually I think that’s bad info. I see now lots of places to get tested without going through the state. Is it wrong to tell them we are uninsured and just ask for the cost? I think it will be cheaper than using insurance.


Lol at the Godsmack kicking in at the end

Los Angeles County confirmed 22 additional coronavirus-related deaths and 2,903 new coronavirus cases Monday, the largest single-day number of new infections the county has reported since the pandemic hit the U.S.

The daily tally brings the total number of coronavirus cases in L.A. County to more than 100,000.

The alarming spike in cases is not only related to increased testing, Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said. The surge is proof that community transmission has “definitively” increased as the positivity rate of infection nears 9%. Officials are now warning that 1 in 140 residents are likely unknowingly infected with virus, a huge increase since last week’s projection of 1 in 400.

In addition, health officials revealed that more than 500,000 people visited newly reopened nightlife spots in Los Angeles County on June 20 when the county gave the green light for bars, breweries, wineries and similar businesses to reopen.

Officials said that 49% of bars and 33% of restaurants in the county were not adhering to social distancing protocols this past week. Additionally, inspectors found that workers at 54% of bars and 44% of restaurants were not wearing face masks or shields.

I guess I should get tested

Man it’s gonna suck if it’s near Christmas and the EU doesn’t have the U.S. on there. Won’t be able to see my family :frowning:

I think I could swing it if I get a residence permit this summer but man that still sucks.

NJ postponing reopening indoor restaurant seating. Borgata postponed their July 6th opening date and I assume (hope) other AC casinos will follow suit.

Are u on the south eastern coast? Many locals are reporting odd spike in allergies and throat tickles but nothing beyond that. My friends and I are blaming the Saharan Dust.

My county is about to hit 1% of the population with known cases, meaning somewhere between maybe 3 and 8% of people have it? Not exactly ideal.

This is my life 3 days a weeks. I don’t even worry about it anymore because it’s 99% allergies.

I’m sorry but it sounds like u didn’t do it right or maybe u are Superman. I had it done to me and posted it here . Anything but ticklish. I k ow min 50 people who have gotten tested and nobody called it ticklish.

Personally, idk how someone can do it to themselves properly or know if they did it correctly …

Marry me

From my friend in Houston:

So I can tell you that the lines to get tested are LONG and almost can’t get a test. People are giving up. The only reason I got one is bc my brother got me in.

Also, I know 5 people who got or have Covid. And each person I know also knows about the same or more of their friends with covid.

My friend and ex coworker called me a couple weeks ago asking me for advice bc her husband and daughter were sick. (She is my only friend who is a Trumper and watches Fox News). She kept saying her husband had “the flu” and her daughter had an infection. Would not listen to me when I told her it was more than likely covid. I finally got her to take them into ER. Both had pneumonia and low oxygen levels (!!). Husband was in hospital for a week. Recovering at home now. And her daughter is still there. My friend been locked in hospital room with her. Has to wear a mask 24 hours a day.
Seems like it’s everywhere here now.

Doesn’t sound good.

Superheroes come in many forms.

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I’m not trying to challenge you or anything, I just trust that the police will be lying about this and that the media, especially the local media, will be blasting anything sensational.


That’s your opinion. Mr. Jones laughs at your opinion while he counts his Fourth of July weekend money.

My thought is that they’re going to shut everything down again after they count all their money from the big holiday weekend.

So the county we are going to overnight Friday has had 53 cases total with what looks like 1/day over the last 2 weeks. Population 143,000. That’s 1/10,000 currently infectious.

Feels like we will be safer there than at home.

Packing lunch for the drive and then eating outside Friday night and any other meals.

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My buddy’s dad is on his deathbed with cancer. Not unexpected but he’s still got to fly from KC to Seattle tonight at what has to be one of the worst possible times. Hoping he gets by unscathed.