205 people visited a gym in the state of West Virginia from 9am-3pm on a Wednesday? I am shocked I would have guessed like 20 people.


Tennessee 2100+ today. Previous high was two days ago at 1400.

Hot take: we have seen nothing yet. The 4th of July weekend is going to make Memorial Day look like New Zealand currently. Millions of amUrCa maskless freedom fighters exercising their ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  rights pressed together listening to donkey tonk music and scaring dogs w their fireworks.


They didnā€™t report yesterday, so itā€™s probably closer to 1100.

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Agreed in general. And yes, I mean instability and unrest.

In Atlanta, the feeling is palpable right now. I am obviously 100% in support of the BLM protests, but stating a fact: Atlanta is falling into a state of brazen criminality lately. Police are doing almost nothing, and some people are (probably rightly) concluding wtf do I owe this system? Iā€™m getting mine.

Take away the $600/week, add a massive pandemic shutting everything down again and visibly making peopleā€™s families ill with no real assistance, and throw a really toxic political environment/election into the mix, and I canā€™t tell you what will happen.

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lololol Kemp

He wonā€™t require people to wear masks, calling it a ā€œbridge too far.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s some people that just do not want to wear a mask. Iā€™m sensitive to that from a political environment of having people buy into that and creating other issues out there,ā€ he said. ā€œBut itā€™s definitely a good idea.ā€

SC numbers out. 1320 new cases (about flat from past few days) but way more tests done so positive percent dropped from 20% to 15%.

Deaths still low.

Hospitalizations up again, passing 1000 for the first time and about 60 new admissions overnight, not great. Only a matter of time until deaths follow

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Allergy season fucking with me. Have a slight chest tickle today. Have coughed a few times. But Iā€™ve run 4-5 miles every morning for a while now, including this AM. That should rule out the virus, shouldnā€™t it? I have no specific reason to believe Iā€™ve been exposed.

How do you know the crime rate is up?

There have been some crazy headlines (someone was shot dead in the middle of the afternoon right in front of my Publix yesterday), and supposedly the number of shootings tripled from the same time period last year.

The overall crime rate is actually down 80% because traffic stops have almost completely stopped. But thatā€™s not super encouraging.


In Georgia I just went on cvs website, booked a time same day and drove through, swabbed myself in the drive thru and got results in 2 days (negative) about 2 weeks ago

Was on cvs property maybe 10 mins, never left car and it was $0 with no insurance

Who said the number of shootings have tripled? Hospitals?

Private Jones is on his own timeline devoid of reality.

I think the whole purpose of the June 4 casino re-openings was to make sure they would be able to shut down before July 4 if things got out of hand. Things rose in week 2. Things were on the verge of tipping last week. This weekend was nuts (they claimed result delays inflated the stats). If Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are over 500 cases (I anticipate them being higher), July 4 open for beezness will be an insane disaster.

How the shutdown went the first time was this:

  1. Do nothing, trust degens. Fewer people went to casinos in the week prior to the shutdown on Tuesday March 17, but can anecdotally say on Friday March 13, crowds only thinned by about 30 percent from usual.
  2. On Monday March 16 (early afternoon), governor says you must practice social distancing, slots need to be disinfected between users, and only three seats at each table game.
  3. Evening of March 16, ā€˜f*** it, weā€™re shutting the whole damn thing down at midnight because people arenā€™t doing what they need to doā€™.

There were approximately 56 active cases in the state at end of reporting on March 17.

The dude faced enormous pressure to re-open, and put it right in the sweet spot for doing a test case using the 2-3 weeks to problems theory (casinos wisely did not re-open for Memorial Day weekend). He could either close everything down again if it got bad or he could open everything up again by the July 4 weekend if things kept trending the way they were in the 8 week period prior to re-opening. Clark County had approximately 552 active cases on the day of phase 1 reopening May 8. When phase 2 started on May 29, there were were approximately 1000 active cases in Clark County.

The casinos partially opened on June 4 and the horrific video of The Cosmopolitan was posted on here on the morning of June 6. On June 18, Clark County active cases were at approximately 2061. This is still a small amount in a county of 2.2 million. 11 days later (today) there are approximately 5296 active cases (approximately 3500 people recovered since June 4). All stats are from 1point3acres.

Hereā€™s how the re-opening went at casinos:

  1. All employees on the floor must wear masks. Patrons encouraged to wear masks, but most patrons who are willing to set foot in a casino at this time lol at this encouragement. Caesars had mask requirements to play at table games (no idea on enforcement). Any table game without plexiglass dividers was supposed to have patrons wearing masks. I saw a photo from Orleans that had table game players with masks on their chins (enforcement lol).
  2. Cosmopololitan video comes out showing approximately 2 people in the crowd wearing masks in a video that appeared to pass well over 1000 people.
  3. Early last week, masks are required inside casinos for all patrons (no idea of enforcement).
  4. Thursday, masks are now required in public spaces (no teeth to enforcement).
  5. Saturday, itā€™s reported someone in Porter service at a Caesars property dies of COVID-19 only a few days after being diagnosed.
  6. Culinary Union plans to sue casinos for dangerous working conditions today (story out over the weekend).

This week Iā€™m expecting the ā€˜f it everythingā€™s shutting downā€™ response to come down again. If it doesnā€™tā€¦

Caesars is clearly working under the assumption another shutdown is possible based on something I wonā€™t discuss.

And we donā€™t need to parse exactly what is and isnā€™t in here. This isnā€™t something Iā€™m really strongly convicted about right now; just something to keep an eye out for.

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They probably more than tripled if getting shot with a rubber bullet counts as a shooting.



Iā€™ve watched this like 10 times :eyes:


That clip is a perfect demonstration of what works about tik tok. It really is an interesting format.

Another big spike in Japan. 129 new cases yesterday. I donā€™t like this trend.