Dude we’re going to be at 400-500k dead by election day, with probably an equal number of seriously affected people. Lots of people will have had really scary times not dying from it. My fairly deplorable grand parents who live in Myrtle Beach are terrified.

This is an event big enough to reconnect them with reality. I’ve been watching this Trump fiasco for years wondering how ugly it was going to be when he came back down to earth. Reality and gravity really have a lot in common. The further you get from reality/the ground the more potential damage you’re facing if you don’t come back in a very controlled way.

This is the Titanic hitting an iceberg level reality collision here. It wasn’t a cheat code, it was exchanging short term consequences for long term consequences and those are starting to come due.

That old chesnut “everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face” really is true. There are a lot of people whose political views aren’t in any way tethered to reality because nothing ever gets done in politics. They don’t have to do anything but root for their team, because no matter who wins nothing changes. That’s what’s ending right here right now with a crisis so big that change is truly inevitable. The tide is about to go out and the people whose ideological boats have huge holes in them are getting exposed really egregiously.

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My city just (re) cancelled 4th of July fireworks. Looks like we’re finally getting our turn in the barrel.

Sorry to hear that. Keep us posted. What’s your plan?

Have you told them your concerns? Maybe you can get them to require masks or do zoom meetings like every other company?

Where on Earth are you guys pulling these doomcasts from? We’re not remotely on track to have 500k dead by Election Day.


Don’t disagree with any of this–you’re even more D&G than I am.

I simply disagree that the chorus that sang for Pence will ever become an issue again. Maybe like a news story that gets shared reasonably widely once some of those people are hospitalized or die?

Most Trumpkins and “moderates” will never be aware it even happened.

I’m not even on Team Doom and we probably need to reimpose lockdowns to avoid 400k dead. Masks might work too, but only theoretically.

I wouldn’t quit. Try to work out a settlement or make them fire you imo. (Disclaimer: I’m not an employment lawyer so maybe get some real advice before doing anything for certain. Just don’t quit without looking at all options and consequences.)

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We have 125K dead already and you know the real number is higher. That along with YOLO opening the economy will lead to a lot more deaths in the next 4 months.

It’s an interesting combination of D&G plus optimism though. Thinking that MAGAturds will care about 500k dead and switch their vote (or not vote) is really optimistic.


The two got drive-through tests at Austin Emergency Center in Austin. The center advertises a “minimally invasive” testing experience in a state now battling one of the country’s worst coronavirus outbreaks. Texas recorded 5,799 new cases Sunday, and recently reversed some if its reopening policies.

Their tests came back with the same result — negative, allowing the trip to go ahead — but the accompanying bills were quite different.

Continue reading the main story

The emergency room charged Mr. Harvey $199 in cash. Ms. LeBlanc, who paid with insurance, was charged $6,408.

“I assumed, like an idiot, it would be cheaper to use my insurance than pay cash right there,” Ms. LeBlanc said. “This is 32 times the cost of what my friend paid for the exact same thing.”

Ms. LeBlanc’s health insurer negotiated the total bill down to $1,128. The plan said she was responsible for $928 of that.

And as always

Ms. LeBlanc learned of the discrepancy only because her husband happened to be on the phone with Mr. Harvey when a price estimate from her insurer arrived in the mail. Mr. Harvey said, “I hear Pam in the background saying, ‘What the heck is this?’”

She used the information about what her friend had paid to negotiate her charges down to $199 as well. And after she reached out to a local television station, which devoted a segment to her charges, her health plan began investigating the bill.

Last Thursday, after returning from another camping trip, Ms. LeBlanc learned the bill would be dropped entirely.

Sorry to hear that brother

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SARS (CoV-2) Fell on Alabama

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Make them fire you. Don’t take this assignment.


Agreed. They will interpret this as the need to vote for the one candidate who will be duly tough on China, or some other such idiocy.

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Further, just thinking out loud here, but doesn’t R=1 at super elevated case levels = eventual calamity for hospital capacity?

Transmission happens faster than discharge, so the number of patients in the hospital will keep going up in this situation, unless I’m missing something.

2000 people attended that rally. Collectively they all know a lot of middle class+ suburban white people. Is it enough to move the election by itself? Of course not… but it’s something.

I agree with you in the sense that we know it’s all about razor-thin margins in a handful of states. It could be a death of a thousand cuts kind of thing where these handfuls of votes in different places make all the difference.

Look this thing isn’t going to be close assuming it isn’t outright stolen somehow. I’m way more worried about what Trump does after he loses than I am worried about him winning.

Now the really interesting thing is how things play out change wise. We don’t know how any of this is going to work, except that it’s going to be different.