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My narrative understanding of COVID is starting to evolve.

Even though Iā€™m on Team Doom & Gloom, even Iā€™m surprised about the massive surge in COVID numbers. I was expecting several weeks of steady but not dramatic increase in new cases in a few hotspots, then gradually gaining momentum over the course of the summer.

But the public compliance to social distancing has been much worse than expected. And, even allowing for that, the resurgence in the virus has been more dramatic than I could have imagined.

What seems clear now is that keeping R=1 is quite difficult with COVID. New information from Europe and Asia seems to support this. We are going to need masks and eliminating trifling socializing at places like bars for the long haul, unfortunately.

Even so, keeping R=1 is still going to be a challenge in the long run. This means our wanton disregard for social distancing, which has increased caseload by easily an order of magnitude in many states, was fatally dumb. This cannot be emphasized enough. We could have had a somewhat relaxed social distancing regime for the entire summer and fall, but instead we blew it in a few short weeks.

Our options now are: (1) lockdown again, (2) try to get R=1 at super elevated case levels, and have a summer of misery and paranoia, and (3) calamity. Likely outcome seems to be a mix of 2 and 3.


Lol when I backpacked the AT I didnā€™t shower for 7-8 days at a time. Itā€™s normal.

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Well yea but itā€™s still not a lot compared to what you see in parking lots or visitor center. I mean draw a straight line for 100 miles and you bound to run into a lot of people. But when you backpack you often go an HR or 2 without seeing someone.

Alabama shatters their previous high with 1,734 new cases today.

Hence the user name I guess.

ATB, jalfrezicleanhead

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Yeah itā€™s important to see where those cases are though. For example, there were 306 new cases yesterday in the Czech Republic. Thatā€™s the 4th highest daily total since covid-19 began in the CR. However, over 75% of those new cases came from a region on the Czech-Polish border. There are numerous districts where there hasnā€™t been a single covid-19 case in weeks.

On the other hand, there has been an average of 11 new cases per day in Prague over the last week and thatā€™s considered a hotspot by the governmentā€™s standards.

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Florida reporting suspiciously low today

Pffff fake numbers. We havenā€™t even hit 40K deaths yet! If you die in a car accident with covid itā€™s a covid death!


Keep in mind it is Sundayā€™s stats. Those have historically been low for most states including Florida.


Why in the world would anyone have hope spikes in the U.S. would ease any time soon?

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I canā€™t access. Any word if this mutation is supposedly less lethal both short and long term? Or is this strictly focused on how it spreads faster?

I guess STONKS has replaced ā€œ42ā€ as the new standard answer to any dumb question.


I power skimmed, but it seems that itā€™s not more lethal just more contagious

A number of hospitals are owned by charitable organizations. Others are owned by for-profit companies. In many states, existing hospitals have a quasi-monopoly due to certificate of need requirements, which require getting a discretionary approval before opening a hospital (!):

Yeah thereā€™s absolutely no chance that several people donā€™t die because of that rally. Thereā€™s simply no way this doesnā€™t seriously harm Trump.

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