Please define.

So China is testing its vaccine on its military. Got it.

All the TP we have been getting in is from companies we generally don’t carry…a lot of foreign stuff

TP and PT crisis ended near me at least a month ago with everything pretty much back to normal, i.e. - full shelves and normal brand names and no purchasing limits.

Aren’t you just outside of Concord? We didn’t have a single roll of paper towels yesterday at store open

Yes, and my wife shopped in Concord on Saturday (Shaw’s near the mall) and she says everything was normal in the paper section. I usually do all the shopping, and about a month ago purchasing restrictions were lifted and things seemed basically normal and it’s been that way since.

Well that’s because nobody shops at Shaw’s.

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As predicted:

Ha, which is exactly why I go there. Plus I do not approve of the owners/family of Market Basket.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu

The Munich cluster is the one that was started by patient zero in Germany. The infection chain was completely reconstructed. Both being infected by a third person was excluded IIRC.
The two persons involving the salt shaker situation where sitting back to back in a cafeteria. For some reason that I can’t quite figure out person A asked several times for the salt shaker from person B’s table. It could have been a smear transmission but my uneducated guess is that during the salt shaker transactions they faced one another and talked to each other.

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At 8:30 in the video the guy says 47% of the people coming to that hospital for non-Covid reasons test positive for Covid. That seems… unlikely?


Guess my juvenile imagination …

did you think something like this?


Haha, yeah - not quite. Think more like wrestling/judo training. Obviously still ideal in Covid times.

I would actually have been in Vienna right now but for the virus - culture during the day poker at night. After a lot of hassle I managed to get the apartment postponed till next year, they weren’t even going to refund at first.

Yeah, we had something booked (non-refundable) for early April in Madrid and they tried to have us postpone it to next year. We eventually got a full refund though, Madrid was fully closed down at the time. Don’t really blame them for trying, but you are eligible for a refund if they weren’t able to host you b/c of covid.

Attempted to sign up for a test last night since I’ve had direct exposure. First available appointment was Wednesday :roll_eyes:

What state?