Of course we will hit 3k deaths/day again

That’s not even a question

oh ho! turns out there’s more to the story. She did it on purpose, of course. It was all performative. From a comment on my friend’s post:

I went to TJs for the first time since February because today was opening day for the new Noho West location, which is like a 4 minute walk from my place. It was wonderful, and I got a bunch of my old favorites, and it was nice to be in the vibe they cultivate again. Dude outside sanitizing baskets, limits on people coming in, masks required, social distance markers galore, etc. It was a very stress free and pleasant experience.
Until the woman who showed up to make a scene put her plan into action. I was at the cash register when the shit went down.
She took her mask off after she entered the store, and walked around with a basket, but not putting anything into it. Instead she was roaming the aisles and getting up in people’s faces, getting as close as possible, waiting for someone to inevitably tell her to put her mask back on. And when a dude finally did - which didn’t take long I’m guessing, because she was being super aggressive - she lost it.
A manager was already on her way over to her because it was obvious what was going on, and asked her to leave (I recognized the manager from one of the other Valley locations, and she demonstrated a level of professional patience and calm in attempting to de-escalate that was award-worthy).
The predictable screaming rant ensued; this man harassed me about wearing a mask and you’re asking ME to leave; this is a violation of my civil rights {cites the statute the QAnon lunatics think means something it doesn’t}; violation of my 1st amendment rights {hahahaha no it isn’t but thanks for playing}; I have a medical condition {oh really? Because you were wearing a mask outside for 30 minutes in the heat waiting on line to get in}; etc.”
That’s when she started swinging her (still empty) basket around and throwing it and kicking it. Then she screamed at the top of her lungs to everybody in the store that “YOUR ALL BRAINWASHED SHEEP AND DEMOCRAT PARTY PIGS YOU WORTHLESS UNAMERICAN FUCKS.”
(Please note my misspelling of ‘you’re’ was intentional)
And that’s how my Friday at 530pm went. The new TJs is lovely, the people working there today are lovely, and all but one of the people shopping there today were lovely.


Just curious, how much is religion/spirituality a part of the hike experience? Being non-religious I always felt this type of thing wouldn’t be for me.

As for the popular backcountry hiking trails in the US, I would have to assume they are slammed this year, pretty damn good way to self isolate, in theory at least. The John Muir def sounds great.

If you are backpacking in the US, you won’t see a lot of hikers. Most rarely go more than a mile from their cars.

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It’s as much or as little as you make it. I went ahead and got my compostela because it’s a neat thing to have, but I’m not catholic, so that’s all it is for me. There is a ton of history and iconography and gorgeous churches along the route, but you don’t have to believe in it for it to be interesting.

I used it as a sort of psychological reset.

This thing means all my previous sins were washed away. Full papal indulgence, baby! :rofl:

That’s a good thing to have going for ya!

Matty, not if you’re hiking in National Parks out west in the middle of summer!

Looks beautiful but no showers for 3 days?

Reuters: Protests were held in Austin, Texas, against the requirement to wear face coverings.

Not new but was in a BBC article today about Texas … ROAR!

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Little update about the Austrian (no L) situation lately. We’ve mostly been back to business-as-usual since Easter with few exceptions (still no concerts or events, bars close at 1:00am).

Since two weeks masks are only required when using public transport / pharmacies, but no longer for regular shopping etc. Last few days show a modest increase in new cases and I’m a bit concerned that they opened up too much. I honestly don’t understand why we dropped the mask requirement for grocery shopping, it was a complete non-issue and people became noticeably less careful in general once that requirement was dropped.

I got a bit freaked out by an email that my BJJ club re-opens business this week, that just seems f’in stupid imo and shouldn’t be allowed. I love that sport, but you are essentially a lock to infect every single person in attendance if anyone in training is spreading. Definitely won’t be going to training until we have a vaccine.


If we are undercounting by 5-10x (which seems to be the general consensus in this thread) then that means we have roughly 250-500k new cases/day right now. Getting to 1m/day hardly seems like a stretch.

There was a waterfall with waterfall pools to swim in nearby. There are also natural hot springs in the area. Having a little dirt on you never hurt anyone either.


Sandrella? Sandrella? Seriously? That sounds like a name that was suggested at a Disney Exec meeting to be the next evil step mother villain but was rejected because it was too stupid. No wonder she’s mad at the world.


AT and PCT are usually pretty crowded. Hiking trails in the White Mountains, Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Smokies are more crowded when compared to 20 years ago. (Generally speaking, don’t know about this year.) I think most backpackers cover more miles on average than ever before, with weekend warriors cranking out 15+ miles per day regularly and thru-hikers clipping off 20-30.

That is bonkers.

You could argue that they are really just using the military to conduct Phase III trials. Of course, their soldiers are probably being ordered to participate and can’t refuse.

Yeah, that’s the bonkers part. And I can’t tell if Phase II is even completed and evaluated? Edit: maybe Phase II is completed. Funny I don’t recall hearing too much about this particular candidate but that prollly doesn’t mean anything.

Yeah she’s been giving TV interviews to anyone with a microphone and a camera. She on that grift imo.

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This is a total math swag but if we catch 1/5 positives on average then we take current/desires percent positives x 1/5 to get an approx ratio of testing to positives. So say we are getting 15% and we want 5% than that’s 1/3 so we end up with 1/3 x 1/5= 1/15.

1/5 is a current Dan guess of confirmed/actual cases. I don’t think it’s 10 anymore.

So far a state with 10,000 positives we don’t have a chance until we get 150,000 tests. And this calc is a bare minimum. There are other factors such as:

Also remember that there is an inherent bias that increases as the prevalence increases. Under lockdown the larger percent of people getting tested will tend towards routine testing of essential workers etc. as the prevalence in an area goes up there is more symptom and tracing derived testing, so there is a built in bias towards higher percentage of positive tests.

I imagine that there is some pool of folks that have a bit weaker concern that would like to get tested but don’t if testing is a pain in the ass for them (long wait time?), so the first increase in capacity is going to catch those folks.

So when there is high prevalence, unless there is more designed random testing of people that have no obvious reason to seek a test, it will be very difficult to drive down to 5% positive.

Make sense-more spread=more positives and on top a bigger bias toward % positive.

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