Sorry, the board was looking for MILF.


For those contemplating hiking the Camino, it works a bit differently than trails in US. Basically, you have to stay in group shelters each night. Unlike most US trails where you can camp in most locations along the trail, you have to plan you mileage to be in a shelter each day. Also, large groups in the shelter is the norm. For introverts like me, this is less than ideal, but extraverts will probably love it.

Nobody says aunt-in-law IRL do they?

No, it was a joke. You got me. In my defense, I have no uncles and therefore no aunts-by-marriage. :smile:

Edit: wikipedia says my joke is actually correct and ā€œuncle-in-lawā€ and ā€œaunt-in-lawā€ are the correct terms even though I have literally never heard them used:

An aunt is a person who is the sister of a parent. ā€¦An aunt-in-law is a wife of oneā€™s uncle,

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TIL you canā€™t hike with dogs

Indoors remains superior to outdoors

Aunt. That isnā€™t normal?

I think itā€™s national parks and monuments for the most part that have prohibitions.

All those army dogs didnā€™t die protecting this country just so they could be banned from national parks.


Yeah. I think the genesis of this though is that your uncleā€™s wifeā€™s sister is just your uncleā€™s wifeā€™s sister and not your aunt.

Jfc those double digit % positives.

No one I know, but to describe her sister I would probably say my uncles sister in law

Then someone would just reply - ā€œWouldnā€™t that be your auntā€™s sister?ā€


Iā€™m going to make a ruling here so we can get back to the COVID dumpster fire.

Auntā€™s sister is correct. Saying it like that is concise and unambiguous, since if the individual was just another aunt or mom, then the speaker would have chosen one of those words instead.

5 months since the 1st confirmed case and we still donā€™t have enough testing. Itā€™s just fucking unreal how terrible USA#1 is at pandemics.


Whatā€™s the over/under on the next peak? Iā€™m thinking 65k daily cases before it levels off. I doubt we actually fall very far this next time though. More places will start rising rapidly by the time the current hot spots start to get their shit together.

The Netflix docuseries Lenox Hill has a new episode out showing how the hospital dealt with the pandemic in its early stages.

Itā€™s a really solid series to begin with. Follows the story of 5 or so doctors at Lenox Hill hospital in NYC. What they had to deal with in March was criminal. Itā€™s utterly insane how our federal government left the hospitals to fend for themselves.

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If we can only run 500k/tests a day nationwide we are probably capped out on positive test results in the 60-80k range. Mostly because some places will be hard hit and others not so much. So even if you get some 20-40% positive regions it will be balanced out by the others. As far as actual case numbers 1m+/day is certainly possible in July.

I think there is a ceiling on the ā€œpeakā€ is testing capacity. If Iā€™m not mistaken, that doesnā€™t seem to be going up much.

There are only so many cases USA can detect in a day. Whatever that is will be the peak.

Same thing will influence death count. Plenty of people may drop dead of a respiratory illness that looks just like COVID. But if they never got a test, DeSantis and the like are going to make damn sure they donā€™t get counted.

So weā€™re only get to count the deaths that get tested, and that too is limited by testing capacity.

Maybe USA will get their heads out of their asses and try to significantly increase testing. If that happens above would not apply.

What about AiLF?

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