I want to do the Colorado Trail or PCT but it seems intimidating. Also, I am not sure I trust my employees while being gone for that long.

JFC did anyone else see the 60 Minutes piece on the literal millions of fake antibody tests the FDA waved through? Unbelievable. Our fucking government is broken at every level.

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Iā€™m proud to say I took one of them!

But the FDA basically said - weā€™re letting these through on an emergency basis, and then rescinded all that more than a month ago, right?

Btw the 60 minutes on Insys last week was blind-rage inducing. Fuck those people so bad. Only reason the Sacklers arenā€™t going to jail is power and politics.


Probably didnā€™t help that the guy in charge of Insys was an Indian immigrant. Well if someone has to go down to make a point, we choose the Indian guy!

Do the John Muir Trail. Only 211 miles so it doesnā€™t take too long, and itā€™s some of the most beautiful parts of the Sierra. Or just do smaller sections of long trails a week or two at a time.


Iā€™m probably getting a lot more than I should as a server because of the way they calculate it. Also comparing numbers to my coworkers Iā€™m doing well because maybe one quarter I worked a lot and reported all my tips.

Why on earth would you report all your tips?

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The Arizona Trail also is something Iā€™ve been looking at. I canā€™t even get my friends to walk up an easy 14ā€™er when we are in Colorado so it would have to be solo or with someone I barely know too.

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A buddy of mine wants to do parts of the PCT now. But of course heā€™s a Trumpfan and you know damn well thatā€™s going to come up with long days and nights together. I canā€™t bring myself even though I want to take off like 2 weeks and do it.

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How is this at all enjoyable? Unless they just all fuck at one point.

I went on a snowboard trip to Jackson Hole with a skiier who ended up yelling ā€œFuck n*#&*$()ā€ in our hotel room for like an hour. I wanted to just pack and leave so bad.

John Muir trail has to be one of the most beautiful trails of that length in the US. Have a buddy who has done it twice and that is on the agenda for the next couple years.

If you are on the fence go watch any of the hundreds of youtubers who have done it. Stunning.


I love solo hiking but Iā€™m a bit of a weirdo like that. But itā€™s not that lonesome on most trails, because you just meet other people on trail and at the campsites.


Yeah, my dog would be with too.

That may rule out some trails and/or parts of trails. Like Iā€™m pretty sure you cannot hike with your dog in most national parks. Unless thatā€™s changed recently.

Yeah, there are some rules. I follow a few trail pages and blogs.


Damn, Iā€™ve been looking for a section of the PCT. Looks like this is a hike to start in July or August. Next summer maybe.

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Iā€™ve been feeling the camino bug again lately. All this talk about hiking isnā€™t helping, though the camino isnā€™t exactly like hiking one of the trails you are talking about. No real camping involved because of the hostels, but it IS a long fucking walk across an entire country with some big climbs.

Too bad I live in USA#1 and canā€™t get to the camino right now because Europe is smarter than us.

edited to add for those who donā€™t know:


Sorry it should have read

maybe one quarter I worked a lot and reported ā€œallā€ my tips :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also the way the end of my shift played out sometimes is I would get my tips from a manager, report them and clock out and then take that sheet with my reported tips printed of them back to a manager as proof I clocked out and they would pour me a shifter drink. Anyways all the bussers who reported $5 in tips every day and only got approved for $215 a week of unemployment are bummed right now and 0 of them were hired back so far.

Yeah Iā€™ve only done sections of it in Toulumne but Iā€™ve done a ton of rock climbing in the area of the trail which included also some off trail approach hiking and back country bivies. Just stunning country.