I think it was pretty great until he got to “Feed them to the bears like the Chechens do” (if I heard that correctly). Anyone associating with these dumb fucks would have no idea what a Chechen is. And if he does, then he’s clearly not one of them.

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It’s impossible for me to read such things without at least wondering if I, or anyone else here, can help.

Here or in another thread you should post your education, skills, interests, location, etc and maybe someone has some ideas or opportunities.


Except for Fortran in college, I started learning to code when I was 28-29 and have made a nice career out of it.

Meh. His problem is apparently that he can’t smell perfectly yet.

I guess it’s scary if they don’t read the article and just the headline. Honestly, chances of that are pretty high.

Yeah maybe I should read the article first lol. Stupid headlines.

Still though - losing smell is neurological. That’s a bit scary to be lingering.

I don’t think it’s that much of an informed decision so much as an emotional one. Staying locked down sucks, it’s enough to drive you crazy, and people just snap and do stuff. There’s also a lot of social proof involved, I bet. People see others acting normal and doing stuff, and it makes them feel like it must be safe if everyone else is doing it.

“Surely all those people aren’t just recklessly getting covid!”

Narrator: Yeah, about that…

@Narrator, show him what’s behind Door Number 3!

I had a similar dream… I ran into a 7-11 or Wawa for something random, totally forgetting we were in a pandemic. I’m like 7th in line, it’s taking forever, and I realize. Holy shit, I’m inside with a group of people during a pandemic and nobody has a mask on. I panic, and I’m like, “Well, I’m already in here, short exposure should be low risk, let me just buy this and get out.”

Like two more people get rung up, then the person at the front needs to go exchange something and hold the line up. The person in front of me clears their throat or something and I’m like. Arrrrrrrrrrgh fuck this I’m out, and just drop my stuff and go sprinting out of the store.

So I’m doing great, too.

Yeah, I’m still pretty stocked up but I’ll double check everything… That said, I don’t think there are going to be as many shortages. I think people are feeling pretty comfortable with pandemic life right now, so I don’t think there will be nationwide stockpiling… maybe in the states that are in bad shape.

Maybe if food processing plants get hit hard somewhere, but I don’t think there are as many of them in FL/TX/AZ as in the midwest, so I think we’re still a little ways away from those being at a significantly elevated risk as opposed to, say, two weeks ago.

The dust is a godsend for us on the coast. It helps keep the waters of the Atlantic & Carib a tad cooler. From what I’ve read in multiple sources, it keeps the troops tame which greatly reduces our hurricane risk.

Yeah that’s mostly where I’m looking right now. But I loooooooooove Idyllwild, was there in January. Boy that feels like a long fucking time ago.

Over 40k on a weekend data day. Also more deaths today than last Sunday. As near as I can tell that is one of the first week over week increase in deaths in a month or so.

I really can’t tell if you’re joking.

UBI - $1000/month right? How much is unemployment in most states?

What are we, about two weeks away from Trump saying that it’s JOEVID-19 and it’s all part of the PlanDEMic? Biden and Obama got with Soros and China to unleash a pandemic on the world to carry out a coup from the basement of the China Breeze restaurant in Atlanta that’s located at the CNN headquarters, where Don Lemon orchestrated a fake riot to destroy the evidence for the FAKE NEWS!



It’s $1800 max in CA. I was thinking lower in most states.

It’s $600/week for COVID I’m pretty sure. That’s what my neighbor who is a server at a sushi joint is getting. I think that’s on top of normal unemployment rates also.

Unemployment right now is 1800+2400 extra from feds every four weeks. That’s max, a lot of people getting 300 per week instead of 450, but right now unemployment is the best.

I finally broke down and bought LA Times. I like the paper I just hate how they screw around on billing. This time it was $98 for a year - somehow that’s much easier to swallow than $1/month then they jack it up to $19.99 like they kept doing. Then you call to cancel and they immediately lower it.

Anyway, once again shit that should have been obvious to the world:

Bars, state health officials said, often operate with larger crowds who remove masks more frequently to drink and where loud music may force customers to raise their voices — potentially spreading more airborne particles. Contact tracing, needed to determine who an infected person has been around, is harder when it comes to these establishments given the constant mixing of customers.

The dollar amount has zero to do with it.


Oh yeah I forgot about the booster that Republicans immediately regretted.

Yeah it’s all about intent. That’s what matters to someone receiving money lol.