Not me. I preferred those because there were other kids around and things to do. Many of them even had video arcades.

I had heavy exposure and easy access to every outdoorsy thing you could think of. Hunting, fishing, boating, hiking, tent and trailer camping, skiing, biking, cross country travel in a conversion van hitting up all the national parks, summer camp, Scouting, woods and fields right in my backyard. None of it ever took and I am infinitely happier just walking down the streets of some grim rust belt city.


Arcades, pools, ping pong and pool tables.

Also the blurry line between restaurants and bars. Unless theyā€™re somehow filtering out places that sell food where people tend to mingle, drink and stay for more than an hour. Plenty of bars by me are technically restaurants, or restaurants in the day and bars come happy hour into the night.

Joe Rogan has a photo of Dan Crenshaw with him backstage at a comedy show in Texas. According to the comments Crenshaw is a gun grabber and the recent COVID outbreaks were fueled by? You will never guess.

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I know in CA, at least, in order to reopen, bars had to have actual food service as well. So places like the dive bar in my town couldnā€™t open because they donā€™t even have a kitchen.

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At this point Iā€™m basically as useful as a coal miner in Kentucky and need someone to teach me how to code. Not sure how I can go back to my job of asking people what they want to eat and drink any time soon. My restaurant opened back up with a skeleton crew and didnā€™t hire me back, and my roommate who was hired back is working 50 hour weeks and walking 10 miles a day and is miserable. My Trumper buddy who runs his families restaurant business was actually nice enough to offer me a job working a weekend brunch shift until the end of summer and I had to turn him down. Too many ways it could go wrong and blow up in my face with not enough benefit so I guess Iā€™ll be staying home on unemployment for the long haul.


Iā€™ll be camping with my 11 year old this summer, looking forward to it. @microbet let me know if you know the good spots, Iā€™m pretty new to this and am only really looking at developed campsites on

Dude youā€™re on UBI - live it up!

New Braunfels never looked that crazy when I did that in the 80s. Dam, thatā€™s nuts.


Iā€™m assuming this is a joke and you understand that UBI is nothing like unemployment but regardless letā€™s not spread misinformation about UBI.

If you plan on tent camping, there is a nice campground just outside Idyllwild in Mt Jacinto State Park. Tahqitz and Suicide Rocks are nearby.

Also J Tree has great tent camping, but you need to wait until September/October. (At least as someone from NH I canā€™t tolerate mid-summer in J Tree.)

Covid is currently bar and restaurant hopping like itā€™s on a bachelor party where I live in MB . They are killing it money wise until they are out of work unpaid for 2-3 weeks.

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Itā€™s about the same amount of money, right?

Anyone have a link to get legit n95 masks w out lag time?

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:+1: Maybe Iā€™ll start a thread when I get back. I have a friend who lives in Monrovia who has camped a lot in local spots and he gave me some recommendations. Weā€™re doing one of those. He also belongs to an outdoorsey socialisty organization that has a cabin in Idyllwild as well as a neat place right at the mountain edge of Sierra Madre that you and your may be interested in when itā€™s ok to mix with others.

Backpacking is so much better than car camping. As a kid I loved the arcades and shit but nature and no one around is the best. Iā€™m trying to get a kayak and get into camping on kayak/canoe trips but they are sold out and not in stock because of COVID shipping issues from China, etc.

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Iā€™m definitely trying to enjoy life as much as possible right now even though I have no money and my life is ruined. Not having to go to work every day and be pissed off constantly has made me really happy. My friends with real adult jobs, wives, and kids have nothing to do now so we get to go surfing together all the time.

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Iā€™ve camped around there and it is nice. But, thereā€™s also camping in Angeles National Forest which starts like 3 miles from LFSā€™s house.

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Maybe this will get some peopleā€™s attention?