lol this hospital slappy in Pensacola just slurping DeSantis, praising his “leadership” GFY

On the level that I do not think Canada has the right to exist, no, it’s not ok. Given that it does, 14 day quarantine is not unreasonable.

Still, the issue that started this was basically is limitguy a bad guy for letting his mom see his kids in the United States of America right now.

The peak was 2749 deaths in a day. If we have a few more weeks or months of unmitigated spread I think we blow by that number.

I don’t think it’s obvious, but I don’t think it’s unlikely that NYC-like periods happen all over and overlap more than they have.

I mean, I said you can have your opinion, but we were talking simply about limitguy and I don’t think you should have the tiniest bit of power over whether his mom visits. Not one vote in 300 million.


That’s well passed borderline disingenuous. We were talking about limitguy and his mom and now you’re talking about every conceivable restriction. You’ve just characterized my point as “there are absolutely no reasonable restrictions on anyone ever.”


You are free to be wrong.

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Children out doors seem to be the least likely to have a bad fate from all this. I would give them stearin warnings against rough play, ( wrestling or like tackle football etc) sharing toys , (that’s a hard one) and most def keep them from sharing candy, drinks etc.

Oh yeah, easily. I think the entire northern hemisphere is in for a very rough Autumn/Winter.


It’s hard to figure out what the worst means. Suppose that everyone who gets it loses 2 years of life in expectation. That’s going to lead to more deaths in the early months among the older population who got it first. But it’s just as costly in life-years among the younger population getting it now even if it’s not showing up in death counts.

So in total life-years lost I think the worst is still ahead. In deaths attributable directly to COVID I think it’s a coin flip.

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Will we ever know the tru death #s lolo. NEVER

Zomg the beach is packed!

That’s hardly packed


Yes ifr is closer to 1% than .5%

Over 0.3% of NYC population has already died and they didn’t all catch it.

1% is a good, solid, conservative estimate

Bars in CA closing again. But most bars here are also restaurants so…

We have a Jake Tapper Face sighting


No, it’s just not for most places. Show your work if you’re going to assert that.

NYC .25% have died - which does work out to about 1% or a little under assuming 20% have antibodies and some fought it off w/o them. N. Italy was worse. But most places are lower. Also with this wave of young’s IFR will obviously be lower.

Most antibody studies show around .5% (the ones where they canvas a whole town or region), and those could be a bit low because some people never develop antibodies.

Only because I don’t have a good enough telephoto lens on my iPhone.