That’s fine and everything. I assume Riverman doesn’t want to put his family at risk by staying in hotels. Which is why I suggested camping or a RV.

Please clarify the quality of TP. I’m a wipe diva .

Every other square has a ply

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Ten million cases, nearly half a million deaths

Ten million people around the world have now been diagnosed with Covid-19. More than two point five mirrion in USA#1, 1.5 mill in S. America, followed by Europe with 2.6 million.

Almost half a million people have died worldwide since the coronavirus was first identified in China six months ago.

The World Health Organization says the global rate of infections has accelerated since mid-May and is now especially increasing in Brazil, Mexico, USA and Chile.

Covid-19 is also taking a serious toll in Africa and South Asia, with India now recording more than half a million cases.

I meant to vote worst is ahead of us . Door dash interrupted me.

It’s disingenuous to frame it in the exact context it came up?

Super smart of the Dems to give the GOP power of the federal government, then unleash a virus in China, have it filter to Europe and come to the USA about 3 months later. Definitely some 5d chess.

This is what happened.

Then don’t let them see your kids. That’s up to you and them, but not me. And it’s very possible that you are making a smart choice to not let them see your kids while limitguy can make a smart choice to let his parents see his kids.

But it’s not up to him whether or not your parents see your kids. You can all have all the opinions you want though.

It was a first sentence gruch, but upon completion I still see no way in which my post was even a tiny bit disingenuous.

How soon til the red states just slow testing, all out fudge #s and let everyone assume it’s going or going away like THEDONALD and PENCILDICK said it would? The only proof of the disease’s existence will be if someone u know gets sick?

Just went on twitter to see what the word was on Anne Hidalgo staying on as Paris Mayor (elections today), and instead saw loads of tweets about this nonsense. Get your act together, people!

Lolololo lolo. What is your reasoning behind them voluntarily locking down if they it 50k cases a day? Sure, a small portion of the population may take extra precautions but the flu is the flu. A hoax is a hoax .
If deplorables see 50k in positive tests published it will be fake news. They are never coming around. How much time have u spent in the south ?

I don’t generally agree with that, but it’s a mixed and complicated bag. There is far too little collectivism in the form of people and their loved ones and immediate communities, but there’s not generally far too little of people thinking they have the right to control the lives of people they never have nor ever will meet. It’s complicated and a mixed bag, but pandemics aren’t the only issue in the world.

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Except that was the exact context. It wasn’t borderline at all. You want to talk about whether or not a nail salon should be allowed to be open that’s different.

“It is IDIOTIC to require people to wear masks! They restrict the flow of oxygen and increase carbon dioxide intake! They are ineffective and dangerous!”

Posted by my dumbfuck stepmom, who survived open-heart surgery performed by a man who wore a mask throughout the procedure


I have an RV and haven’t used it this year. I have an 8 year old and 3 year old twins and most of the camping fun for them is playing on the playgrounds or beaches. They like to meet other kids, ride bikes around, and other social activities that are problematic these days. We are finally going in 2 weeks and we are probably going to be part of the problem. We will do our best to distance. Our 8 year old sort of gets it, but the twins don’t.

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Just tell their they touch anything it will kill someone else’s grandma and it’ll be their fault.


Georgia joining the party with a new record on a Sunday. OPEN FOR BUSINESS IS ROCKING!

Only 2 people died though (jlawoksure.gif) so it seems fine.

