Somehow blew up that first poll on edit.

Applies to USA #1 only:

  • The worst of the Gyna Wuhan Flu is ahead.
  • The worst is behind us.

0 voters

Same as well when I went shopping Tuesday. I ended up taking two rolls of paper towels from our office.

It took until last month to realize, “Hey, I can start buying napkins again if there are no paper towels,” although they can’t easily replace paper towels for every task.

Why does it matter if it’s a Sunday ?

Data has been heavily affected by whether it is weekday reporting (happens Tues-Sat) or weekend reporting (happens Sun-Mon) this whole Pandemic on a country and state level. The reasons why aren’t known for sure to my knowledge but you may simply be less likely to seek a test on the weekend or they may process less tests on the weekend.

Glance through some charts and you see the same pattern week after week.

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I wonder if paper companies increased TP production a few months ago and cut back in PT. They’re usually made by the same company, I could see them shifting production priorities during the Great TP Shortage of March 2020.


Yeah that’s not happening Florida isn’t running enough tests

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Update from OK.

My sister worked a wedding last night in the OKC metro. Indoor venue. Indoor ceremony. Indoor reception. 160 guests. Number of masks?


I was going to guess two: the bartender and her?

P. S. So hoods don’t count?


Apparently, my aunt, uncle and two of my cousins (their children) have already had covid-19. They felt fatigued and had a bit of a cough for a few days. That was it. Another cousin (brother of the two aforementioned cousins) was at a barbeque that was attended by somebody with covid-19. She was waiting for her test results but went to it anyway. Thankfully, he tested negative.

I had similar symptoms that started a few days after I attended a graduation ceremony. Wonder if I had it too.

Is your name really michael davis? Mine is too lol. I hope he ends up in a wheelchair and loses a lung

How deplorable is the infected family in question?

You don’t know what you are missing. See my avatar? I took that picture from a RV park.


Well they’re not infected now.

Uncle = Deplorable. One of the first things he asked me about the Czech Republic was how many Muslims were there. That said, he hasn’t shared deplorable views and takes at any family gatherings. Normally, we’re pretty good at keeping things light. Still gets emotional over 9/11 as he lost several friends in the WTC.

Aunt = Never talked politics with her. I assume she’s right-leaning growing up in a Catholic family but not alt-right. Unlike my mother and the uncle, she’s very well-educated and successful. I remember her calling out my mom’s boyfriend on being aggressively racist.

Cousins = not deplorable

We still seem wayyyy behind on death #s in S.C. IDK. Maybe it’s not as deadly w many vulnerables already perished.

My COVID hidden gem for an outside beer. No one ever here.


I have been camping and RVing many times. When I got older I learned that my parents weren’t actually providing me with better travel and vacationing experiences, they were just cheap.


OK, I looked into this further, and the two sources are definitely calculating two different things. I think the difference is that your source’s numbers are in units of ppsm, and the number represents the population density for the average person (maybe?), while Dan’s source uses a geometric mean, so the numbers are unitless. I did some calculations of a hypothetical 4x4 grid, and both methods seem to be self-consistent at least. The weighted arithmetic mean seems to make sense, but OTOH the geometric mean is useful when ratios (e.g., pop/unit area) are involved.

Finally, I also found an official source for European weighted density, which appears to use the weighted arithmetic mean: . So I’ll adjust my calculations to use this type of mean, and see what it looks like.

Hardly anyone has died in SC. Very few of the SC cases of the last two week surge in SC have died or recovered yet probably.

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The guy’s mom wants to see her grandchildren. If he doesn’t think that’s a risk to him and his kids (he said she and his dad have been holed up) then it’s up to her imo and certainly not up to you.

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Actually where I live in coastal, tourism Horry County I know literally hundreds of people who have had to get tested w out symptoms if one person at a restaurant or bar tests positive they have been tasting the whole staff.

We also had a local free mega testing site last week that did 2500 tests one day but they are put on the back burner until mid July .