

How will it not be? There are no real countermeasures put into place. Why wouldn’t the exponential spread continue over the next month?

If if a nationwide lockdown happened today we would expect to see new cases rise for 3-4 weeks and there is no sign anything like that is coming.

Explain the case where this is somehow the peak? I don’t see any plausible reason why that would be.

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If it’s just your mom’s risk to herself that’s the issue, it’s up to her. You can have your own opinions and advice, but unless she’s incompetent she’s in a better position to make the decision for herself than you are. I don’t get the 40 year olds ordering their competent parents around.

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Take your family camping. Or rent a RV for a week.


Maybe he’s wondering if you know what an order of magnitude is or what “several” means.

I was speaking generally but you would have to be delusional to not think hundreds of thousands of new cases per day is happening in July whether our testing system can measure that or not. I realize that is 1 log order of magnitude worse but that is much worse than today.

1370 new cases in S.C., another record (barely). Record high positive percent (20.1%) and hospitalizations 954, (up 46 from yesterday).

I’d say one positive to take from this is that the rate of things getting worse has leveled off, but we have no way of knowing if that’s actually true since clearly we are missing so much.

Deaths still low. Not sure what to make of that except that this wave has so far largely hit young people, who are less likely to die.

Deaths lag new cases by 2-3 weeks. 3 weeks ago today we had 19,000 total new cases in the US. You would expect this week to have the lowest death numbers before it starts to tick up again.

That and all the other factors we have already discussed which will keep CFR lower than April. If we are still averaging 3500 deaths a week in a month I will be very surprised.

I guess maybe some conservatives are realizing they’ve been sold a giant tub of shit on the coronavirus issue?

It would be nice if they realized this is the same garbage they get fed on every single issue. It’s just for most things, there isn’t clear and immediate proof that they’re wrong. You can see some of them–only a few–struggling with this issue since their immediate defenses of dismissing, ignoring, blaming, assuming bad faith from fake news outlets, are not exactly working since the virus is boss and this is not something they can abstract away.


Although I’m assuming that most people in the South seeking tests now are symptomatic.

If Florida starts ripping off 50k cases a day or something that absurd, people will voluntarily lock down.

They’ll find a way to blame liberals/minorities for covid, and instantly forget they ever thought it was a hoax/NDB.


Won’t it be way way too late to even matter at that point?

You might get 3-4m infected like that, but Florida has 20m people.

Got groceries today. Toilet paper fully stocked but now not a single roll of paper towel to be found in a few stores I checked. Yeast also still in short supply.

Same here. TP is around. Paper towel is scarce.

Maybe none. Maybe 2. Maybe a much rougher 5. Maybe the same 5. Maybe she has 6 months left anyway cause a heart attack is right around the corner and shes going to spend it not with her family to avoid covid.

Why do we think we need to stockpile food again? I don’t see how it gets to that point again, but I’m probably wrong.

Minimizing trips into stores is my reasoning.

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I’d rather get Covid.