Something like that, yeah, just like NYC in March.

So seems like it’s time to start restocking everyone’s emergency supplies because there are going to be shortages again.

Yup. MrsWookie bought another 25 lb bag of flour, and we’re stocked up on paper products, and we have a freezer full of meat.

MrsWookie gave me my first haircut since February yesterday, too. Letting it grow wasn’t working anymore, and I’m not going to a barber any time soon.

I think the shortages (or the vast majority of them) came from people stocking up, and not from supply chain issues due to production shutdowns. And I guess the paper issues came from a sudden shift in the mix of demand between industrial packaging and domestic.

This is a great analogy. It’s the marshmallow experiment on a national scale.

The experimenter puts down the marshmallow and says, “Now listen, you can either have this tiny bit of reopening immediately, but a million people will die needlessly and we’ll just have to shut down again anyway. OR, you can just wait a while longer and wear masks, and…”

But he never even gets to finish the sentence because by this point millions of Americans are trampling each other to get to the marshmallow with Trump and Pence leading the stampede.


Lol the best part of this is this asshole is still whatabouting the flu when he literally fucking collapsed and had to go to the emergency room.

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40k on a Sunday seems probable today. Last Sunday we had 26k cases. At this rate of growth we will be at 100k easily by mid-July. We may cap out testing and the official stats might not show it. But we are at this point and zero meaningful steps have been taken to slow spread. It’s just pure wishcasting to think it won’t be several orders of magnitude worse a month from now.

i don’t think were getting to 100k only because we’re nearing testing capacity again. Just watch for the percentage positive to keep increasing.

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I’m seeing Florida reported at 10,682 for today now.

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Matusow firing truthbombs back at DNegs

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I hope he dies. And I don’t mean that as an exaggeration. And I know it won’t teach any lesson whatsoever to the people who need to be taught. And I know he is human and life is precious. I hope he dies.


Appears to be a glitch. Ignore that post.


So apparently there will be shortages again.


“Several orders of magnitude?”

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Riverman’s dream


Nailed it


“He died of covid, people die of the flu, its the same!”

his wife after his funeral in two weeks, probably

How many years would she have left if she got Covid?