I have a feeling that tweet was staged. The person tweeting it has a podcast but only like 300 followers (as of last night). They knew that tweet was going to blow up.

Does anyone have a significant other that would be ok with you posting a shitty picture of them online? It doesnā€™t add up.

First date night in three months cause of quarantine, butā€¦


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If you are going to be crowded together outside say 20 people on a small backyard then mask most of the time.

To me there is a big difference in risk in a one on one with some positional awareness vs a group where you canā€™t really control how long you are standing downwind of someone or more especially several someones.

Also pay close attention to the wind. Even a moderate breeze should really cut the risk. When I met a friend the other morning we sat at opposite ends of a picnic table and repositioned it so that the wind was cross ways.

There is going to be a lot of pressure to not mask at a baby shower. My advice is to put it around your neck and if the details warrant put it on. Itā€™s not your fault if they donā€™t get ā€œitā€ but itā€™s everyoneā€™s fault if Anyone gets it.

Austria, Germany and Switzerland all have seen significant increases in active cases since reopening for business.


Low 06/14 ā†’ 373
Now 06/28 ā†’ 551 (+48%)


Low 06/16 ā†’ 6372
Now 06/27 ā†’ 8163 (+28%)


Low 06/15 ā†’ 292
Now 06/27 ā†’ 493 (+69%)

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There are 1434 people currently infected in the county with the meat-packing-plant outbreak. If you add the neighboring counties, you have probably included most of the increase:,S3B1yZc

France has been mostly fully open for a few weeks now, cinemas even got the green light last week. (There is some distancing measures but I havenā€™t paid much attention as I obviously have no intention of going.)

Cases (see below) doesnā€™t seem to show an effect quite yet, but since itā€™s been a part of the national stats R has steadily grown from 0.84 on Jun 1 to 0.92 last week. Mask wearing is very spotty here in Paris e.g. itā€™s not uncommon to see service people not wearing them inside shops.

Given we are not magic there will be an increase in cases and I doubt lockdown will happen quite soon enough. As we started partial opening in early May the numbers under those conditions seem acceptable and Iā€™m hopeful that we can go back to that early enough to keep things under control, but I canā€™t say Iā€™m completely confident of that. I donā€™t expect it to ever go the way of the US, though.


Even if we attributed the increase to this one outbreak it would still mean Germany has been moving sideways for almost two weeks. The infected in the GĆ¼tersloh area will still infect more people and there might be more of these kinds of outbreaks in the future.
Entering a second wave in autumn with thousands of active cases sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Ending the mandate to wear masks in many public places was premature in my opinion. If nothing else, it sends the message that we are almost back to normal and I am afraid people will become complacent, less careful in general and engage in more unnecessary, risky activities.

Complacency has affected everyone. I have a good friend who is 40 with several things that have caused severe immunocomprimisation. She has to get infusions every couple weeks and is on the Trump drug full time. The past three days she posted on facebook at a pool party, at a packed comedy club and at a house party.

All that to say I think the complacency is unfortunately inevitable. When they invited us to the comedy club I was legit stunned. But I think people are making what they think is an informed decision that locking themselves away and missing a year of their life is worth some chance of death, or severe complications. I think that choice is insane. My friend is a diehard lib and was protesting here a few weeks ago.

Iā€™m not sure what the solution is but it seems like 99% of people are in for a really severe wake up call soon.

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lol wtf. My mom got a letter today that last time she went to the hospital May 6-10th she was exposed to someone who tested positive for covid-19.

So if she had gotten the coronavirus we would have gotten this letter after she died. Shouldnā€™t they fucking call us right away? I mean they know my mom is super high fucking risk and the sooner you get treated the better.



Hospitals only mentality is $$$ > patient wellbeing. They care about the money it would cost to have a system to timely notify patients of exposure more than your momā€™s life.

The turnaround time for the COVID tests is a real fucking problem too. Three weeks ago my allergies were acting up but I figured Iā€™d better be safer than sorry so I called and got a test scheduled the next day at one of our drive in sites. I felt fine by the next day but I had already taken the test and I couldnā€™t go to work knowing there was a chance that my test could come back positive so I stayed home for 5 fucking days waiting for that negative result. Now I work someplace where they just let me work from home for four of those days and I only had to burn a sick day for that first day, but you know Iā€™m the exception and not the rule and most people who need to go to work are gonna continue going in while awaiting that result, or not get tested at all.

Pretty safe to say that those saying there was no evidence that lockdowns slowed spread have stopped saying that now

Exactly. It is pretty obvious lockdowns and masks are all that have been proven to work. The fact a majority of the USA #1 crowd is against one or both is insane.

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Ah, thanks for reposting. I have those numbers as well, but they seem to be off by an order of magnitude, so Iā€™ve been using the other set that I referenced yesterday.

I donā€™t think they are really making an informed decision. There are a lot of adults who would fail the get one piece of candy now or two pieces of candy later experiment. By going back to their pre-Covid lifestyles this pandemic will be prolonged indefinitely. In times of crisis sacrifices need to be made and itā€™s not actually a sacrifice because the choices are locking down now or locking down later but longer.

Incredibly the entire difference between Germany and the US is Trumps fault. He really should be cruising to reelection right now. All he had to do was sign what the medical people told him to sign and make sympathetic noises on TV. He should have been HAPPY coronavirus came assuming his only real goal is reelection.

Instead heā€™s created a crisis so big that a bunch of GOP core voters are going to get exposed to some harsh realities. Seriously how many people are going to get COVID because of that last rally and this next one?


Right thatā€™s why i said they ā€œthinkā€ they are making an informed decision. I completely agree they arenā€™t.