Republican Convention is scheduled for 6 weeks in, you guessed it, FLORIDA

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Thanks, that wasn’t there last time I used it.

wow they stole my idea!

ok thanks for the links

Leaving the sound off and staring at her tits was somewhat enjoyable.

No I haven’t found anything that tracks that daily for Washington. We have an overall 6% positive rate.

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If we dont, they are lying

TN has a super sketchy CFR

positive rate in NY starting to nudge up ever so slightly


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Highly demographic dependent.

No but the multiplier for cases the last two weeks is very different from the one for cases in March and April. That’s the main point I would make.

I would bet on Europe shutting down before getting to this point.

Nursing homes were on the front lines in the first outbreak. At my SIL place of work 33/90 residents died. I believe it’s just a lag now. Eventually all the “kids” will pass it into the old folk living places.

Actual or reported. Actual I think yes.

Cuse-keep in eye in Jacksonville for us for the RNC lolz.

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I give myself Fri and Sat nights off, but I need to add Jacksonville, Tampa, Miami, Austin and LA County.

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In Japan yesterday we had a mini-surge of 123 new cases, more than twice the recent average, including two in my prefecture–the first new cases in over two months.

Hope this isn’t the beginning of an undesirable trend.


Well it’s an assumption. And it may be true. But I’d like to see some evidence of it before I just assume the multiplier has dropped. And even if it’s dropped to 8x that doesn’t mean a whole lot.

What I’m taking issue with is blanket statements like “well that multiplier is no good anymore” meaning we can’t extrapolate anything from case #s, or something.

I’ll happily give yall some fist hand observations from Polk county, right between Tampa and Orlando.

Tampa and Orlando have mandatory masks mandates, our county is at about 10% compliance last time I went to the store. Our city commission refuses to even vote on it… cases just about doubled today from yesterday.