The WNBA is planning to run a compressed season in Bradenton Florida. Players are supposed to report on July 6th. The deadline for players to notify their teams if they would not be reporting was supposed to be yesterday, and a few prominent players have opted out.

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The same thing is going to happen in the NBA isnā€™t it? The NBA players may be smarter than the other major sports leagues in this regard, I donā€™t know why I feel that way, but I do.

That could be a big turning point. No way these dudes want to go down there this month.

No roof rack means itā€™s a 2WD. Also itā€™s gonna have crappy ass tires, no tuffy locking trunk and no sunroof. Also Iā€™ll have like 1/5th my camping gear and everything else I can ship with the car but couldnā€™t bring on a plane. And when I inevitably dent it Iā€™ll have to pay for it. Eff that.

But mainly itā€™s something different and fun to drive the entire world in your own car. Itā€™s part of the adventure and it makes the whole trip decidedly different. Itā€™s not because itā€™s the path of least resistance.

Weā€™re working on it dammit! Rome wasnā€™t built in a day.

MLB is screwed too. A lot of the players arenā€™t even in the United States. They went back to their home countries once ST was cancelled.

Went hiking with my friend who had covid. She wanted it eat at a restaurant near us (she used to live in my neighborhood and craved their garlic potato tacos - trust me theyā€™re good). I said only if they have outdoor seating, which they did. Went over to another friendā€™s house where her Dad insisted on shaking hands (but surprisingly hates Trump). Sat outside and drank beers for a few hours.

I probably got the Rona but it was nice to feel slightly human again.


How was the rim job?


Yep. Some players have already backed out and those who will be playing are getting tested (with several announced positives). Team practices in home cities are supposed to start on the 30th, teams scheduled to travel to Orlando around the 7th and season will theoretically start on July 30th.

Giving or receiving?

Busy day.


News from Nicaragua: Expat gringos really hate wearing masks!

Nobody knows how bad it is for sure because the govā€™t wonā€™t publish any numbers, but itā€™s definitely floating around here and you definitely donā€™t want to get hospitalized in Nicaragua.

But man, a huge chunk of expats are these anti-science, anti-govā€™t conspiritards who will not live in fear! So annoying. At least show some respect for the locals of a country youā€™re just a guest in, jeez.


Itā€™s an expat tradition not to show respect to anyone.

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Yeah, must be something about escaping the US that leads to not believing anything except youtube. Zero respect for the locals also seems to be a very high prevalence.

Iā€™m on expat FB groups for Mexico and every Central American country. Theyā€™re like 3-1 anti-vaxx, everything is a big conspiracy mannnn, idiots - vs. normal people.

Iā€™m actually really proud of the sane expats who stand up to them.


Pencil Philly in for an outbreak in 4-6 weeks. First weekend open fully, and at 2am I see a bunch of people coming home from the bars. No distancing, no masks. What the fuck is the point?

Meanwhile, fireworks continue to go off all night every night. Theyā€™re going off one after another at 2am. Iā€™m losing my fucking mind with all this shit.


You guys hold out for a little while longer and weā€™ll have herd immunity and a vaccine.

The depressing thing is despite all the insanity, the US has 2.5M confirmed cases all time. So that means something in the ballpark of 25M real cases. A long long way from herd immunity.

Butā€¦ get 100k cases a day going for a few monthsā€¦ and weā€™re still a long way away.

Yeah. It is what it is at this point: desultory and sectarian management of the issue.

Yeaaaaaa. Lotta expats have interesting stories and are fun to have a few drinks with, but once you start getting into the shit they actually believe from the youtubes, it gets old fast.

The FB groups are definitely chippy these days! And thereā€™s a million people thinking their commercial flight is actually gonna go as scheduled in a few weeks, gets cancelled a few days in advance, they rebook for later date thinking THIS will be one that goes, cancelled again. Rinse and repeat for months on end!


The nice thing about the Red States letting it rip 2 months before Illinois is it gives us a chance to see how open we can get. We OPENED FOR BUSINESS 25% indoor dining and youth team sports today, I kinda think that should be it for a while.

You probably canā€™t open more than that without exponential growth. Which sucks for restaurants that rely on dine in, most will go out of business unless their owners feel like mortgaging their house.