CDC Director confirms 25k deaths a day a while ago :)

Yeah, but he was talking about covid.

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Oh yeah totally. Wasnt trying to call you out or anything. I just hear on TV and in papers that the US shut down, and itā€™s like, uhhh no we didnā€™t.


I think most predictions made here are pretty US centric. Which may be a bit of a blindspot to those of us living in the midst of the USA #1 shitshow.


Thatā€™s natural enough. I just want to know when itā€™s safe to stop checking the skies for nuclear warheads.


Trump cancels weekend golf resort visit amid rise in coronavirus cases

The US president, Donald Trump, on Friday cancelled a planned weekend visit to his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, the White House said in an updated schedule.

The White House did not provide a reason for the cancellation, which comes amid a rise in novel coronavirus cases in many states.

The White House spokesman Judd Deere said the cancellation was not related to New Jerseyā€™s requirement that visitors from states with high coronavirus infection rates self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.

The president visited one of the states with high rates, Arizona, earlier this week.

Trump has stepped up his travel in recent weeks in an effort to jumpstart his re-election campaign and emphasise the US economic reopening after months of a coronavirus-induced shutdown.

But rising numbers of infections in areas of the country have raised concerns about the speed of the reopening amid a still strong pandemic.

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Most developed countries are doing reasonably well, yes. But, not well enough to put evolutionary pressure on COVID-19 to become less lethal. To become more contagious, yes. To increase the incubation period, yes. But to become less lethal? I just donā€™t see any reasonable explanation. Its lethality does not impact its contagiousness.

Am I crazy @Danspartan?

Nothing Iā€™ve ever read thinks people are still contagious months later - even if theyā€™re still testing positive.

Also no oneā€™s caught it again yet afaik.

For fuckā€™s sake you canā€™t be this dense. Does lethality impact the spread anywhere? HOW is their any actual evolutionary pressure on it to become less lethal? Spell it out for me, like Iā€™m a fucking child.

Because right now youā€™re just wishcasting.

For starters, how in the FUCK is it supposed to be evolving based on the fact that weā€™re trying to find vaccines??? You think COVID-19 knows weā€™re trying to find vaccines??? What the fuck???

I remember reading here by one of the knowledge scientists that thereā€™s generally evolutionary pressure on viruses to mutate to less aggressive strains (though that apparently didnā€™t happen in 1918).

Alternatively I could have that all wrong.

lol yeah pretty accurate summary

I have read a fair bit on Lenin and Stalin and whenever I wonder just how the hell those guys ever came to power and were able to hold it for as long as they didā€¦I flip on CNBC and Iā€™m like, ā€œOh, yeah, I get it.ā€

But they havenā€™t really been proven safe, either. Like, the risk is probably low, but Iā€™d still be unwilling to take it if it could be avoided.

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So no rimming?

Put a mask on it first.


I wouldnā€™t be super confident in that.

You canā€™t pin that one on the so-called DOOM AND GLOOM crowd here. There was a lot of pushback from the DOOM AND GLOOMERS on that one, assuming I count as part of Team D&G.

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Also he did say drawing live to nuclear war, not that it was likely. And in the context of Trump completely failing to deal with the task at hand and trying desperately to find something, anything to cement his position, itā€™s hyperbolic but his point is understandable.

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meh, wake me up when they hit 11,500 per day with a 43% positive rate

Anything is going to be possible with the economy in smoking ruins, at least 250k dead and nothing resembling normalcy by the election . Nuclear war would not be my prediction but Trump doing something super dumb to deflect from the disaster of his presidency is not only possible I would say it is likely.

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Some people will do anything for attention.