This might not be a point worth debating, but I think saying the US shut down once already is giving the administration credit where they deserve none. The administration has done absolutely nothing about this virus. We never shut down as a country. Some responsible governors shut their states down and some yolo governors didn’t, but the federal government abdicated its responsibility and did zilch.

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This dude is batshit insane.

“I was diagnosed yesterday at the ER with COVID-19 and here I am months after not wearing a mask at rallies, churches and so on and so it’s funny how capricious this thing is,” he said.

He said he has had a dry cough since March, that in recent days has worsened and expanded to include a headache, fever and loss of focus in one eye.

“No one ever got sick at any of our rallies, to include me! Start a church, and I get sick…” he said. “I got it because Satan deemed to get it. Because he wanted to quiet my work. To slow down the building of a church. That’s what this is about. But the world won’t see that. Why? Because they live behind a veil. They choose to live behind a veil. They choose to hate God.”


COVID-19 is not like the others. It’s unique. It has an extremely long incubation period. Its incubation period is more than double that of SARS.

You’re basing all of your takes on past diseases and also cherry picking the most optimistic stuff. You’re also being results oriented.

There is not pressure on any disease to become less lethal, in a vacuum. The pressure is only to maximize its spread, by whatever means allow it. The only reason viruses become less lethal is when their lethality is slowing their spread.

All of the evolutionary pressure is on expanding their window of transmission. So if the COVID-19 transmission window is Day 0 to Day 7, say, (average symptoms onset around 5.7 days in), and all of the death occurs after Day 12 or so, there is no pressure on lethality.

For most viruses, lethality impacts transmission. For COVID-19, that’s essentially not the case. As a result, any mutation toward being less lethal would have to be accompanied by a mutation to increase transmission in order for it to take hold.

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Right. I’m just saying they can mostly shut down again w/o saying they’re shut down.

So when a governor says “We can’t shut down again” he just means “We’re not going to call it shutting down, because a few things which are probably safe anyway will remain open”.

They never should have shut down hiking, beaches and parks to begin with imo. I’m assuming Texas is shutting down rafting due to the partying that goes on after rafting, not the actual part where you’re on the river.


Lol this briefing

No president has done more to combat covid19 than donald trump


All things considered, wouldn’t you say that most countries are doing rather well?

How can you really know that Covid isn’t the work of the devil? You can’t. Therefore, we know it is the work of the devil and that God exists and He is great.




You would actually get universal agreement if you pointed out that Reagan has done more by being dead.

And for us, it gives a moment to celebrate Reagan being dead.

They may claim to be counting probable cases, but right now they are reporting 28,962 confirmed cases and 60 probable, and that’s not even hospitalized. They’re cranking out like 1,000 confirmed cases per day, the probably number is off by an order of magnitude even if it’s just for one day. Unless they are only reporting probables among hospitalized, in which case it’s probably accurate for one day’s cases.

Unless South Carolina is testing an order of magnitude more people per capita than any other impacted states?

I would say basically every first world country is doing well besides the US.

You keep saying this as if the rest of the world hasn’t dramatically slowed down the spread of COVID19. As if we aren’t going petal to the metal to find antivirals and vaccines.

My friend who had covid and recovered over a month ago wants to go hiking. I guess I’m completely safe around her and her around me? Weird new world.

Maybe some of the more lurid predictions here were perhaps a little exaggerated?

I wouldn’t be too sure about that.

I mean more the behavior of individuals because obviously the federal govt has abdicated all of theirs.

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We are currently doing better than Italy was at it’s worst. That’s all I’m saying and all that is required to show Doomers are not yet correct. I mean if we define DOOM and GLOOM as “what’s currently happening” then yeah, I guess they are right by definition, lol.

We also have avoided food shortages and a spike from protests. Considering how badly the federal government has fucked up the response I’d say we are running really well! Things couldn’t be much better given how much shit is in our collective bed.