Of course there is. If people stopped dying from COVID19 we wouldn’t even be talking about shutting down.

White House virus task force’s briefing returns amid spike in cases

The White House coronavirus task force will hold a media briefing in the next half-hour after a nearly two-month hiatus.

The briefing, hosted by Vice-President Mike Pence, comes just one day after the US recorded an all-time daily high of 40,000 coronavirus infections, according to Johns Hopkins University.

It will take place at the Department of Health and Human Services, instead of the White House. It is not clear if Pence - who chairs the task force - will be joined by Dr Anthony Fauci or Dr Deborah Birx who, at one point, served as the public faces of the administration response.

The task force appearances paused shortly after US President Trump, speaking at a briefing in April, controversially suggested research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body - remarks that have been overwhelmingly rejected by health experts.

Are they still playing poker 9 handed with mask optional?

I think playing with mask wearers would be cool. ogRiPX3h-600x338

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A Russian hacking group is launching ransomware attacks against a number of US companies, targeting employees who are working from home due to Covid-19.

You’re just Mr. COVID-19 Sunshine, aren’t you? Always the optimistic take. The slow onset of symptoms means there’s no real pressure on it to be less deadly. It gets to spread either way. It’s not like the virus knows our shutdown plans, and we keep reopening anyway. If we completely locked down for like 6 months, Wuhan-style lockdown, maybe your take would make sense here. Otherwise, it’s just not in play. Nobody in the world is doing that.

In Kansas all bars have to get at least 50% of their revenue from food (I’m sure that’s never gamed). I think CA has some similar rule.

Based on Chiefsplanet they now thinks it’s very real and 100% caused by the protests - as we all predicted.


On the one hand, quick action would save thousands or tens of thousands of lives and ultimately avert billions of dollars of economic loss, but a lot of people have got Fourth of July travel plans already made, so…

No, they know exactly where it came from in their personal experience and they aren’t wrong. Some 20 year old felt the need to go to a party and then brought it to work. Then several people died. They were just going into the tunnel when the protests started and they are just coming out of it now. My wife has noticed that nobody is taking any chances with masks now.

Your pony got infected and died already.

Wasn’t presenting it as news. I was presenting it as a possible defense of why he won’t go to the party.

My dude, the basic laws of evolution haven’t changed. There is absolutely pressure for this to become less lethal. Europe and NYC wouldn’t be taking any countermeasures against COVID if there weren’t overflowing ICUs.

Those Orlando protests must have been lit.


It’s exactly a 30th bday party in the story. Couldn’t hit any closer to home.

Take the hit now. They’ll apologize later.


Doesn’t the theory about “evolutionary pressure to be less lethal” only apply to viruses that aren’t usually spread by asymptomatic people?


My dude, the consensus seems to be that the incubation period alleviates that pressure. This makes a lot of sense. The virus does not know what measures would not be taken if it mutated in that direction. The only way it will be pressured in that direction is if we actual do enough of a lockdown to slow it down enough to force that. Then it would be pressured to mutate in that direction. Unless/until that happens, we’re just hoping to bink a one outer.


Team DOOM AND GLOOM is basically undefeated at this point right? Basically all the sunshine pumper theories have been a complete bust. Summer didn’t save us, Hydroxy didn’t save us, there wasn’t massive undetected spread that had us way closer to herd immunity than we thought and on and on and on.


The flu also spreads presymptomatically, and I don’t think there’s much debate that it tries to stay as low-key as possible.