Send them the birthday party link, and if you go to the party you’re basically just accepting that you’re going to get COVID-19. If your sister’s 30th birthday party is worth you getting COVID-19, then go. Otherwise, don’t. Obviously we all know what the logical decision here is.

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Texas is allowing takeout, I don’t know about Florida.

Yeah but their voters are gleefully diving into the pond and they LOVE it. It’s just so easy to float on the sludge. So much fun!

Where are you located. Will it be 100% outside?

Closing bars alone is never going to do it. A state like Florida is going to have 15-20k cases a day in a week or two even if they shut down now. The only thing that may cap their stats out at lower numbers is their testing capacity.

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That’s amazing


Congrats, weddings are super fun


I agree its kind of stupid but I have been to some bars that are basically coffee places all day and bars late afternoon and later. So there might be the occasional rare place where the rule makes a little sense.

Fuck your snowflake that’s why

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Might also be some places that want to stay open and serve “cokes” for 10 bucks each. Who’s going to stop them?

Scotland’s minister warning Scots to not be like America


In Atlanta (and many sunbelt places, ie where this outbreak is happening) there aren’t even many bars in the traditional sense. Nearly 100% of them have restaurants attached, even though they are thought of as bars. If those can stay open, this isn’t going to matter much.

It will basically just impact clubs and strip clubs. ie no impact.

You have to ban on premises indoor alcohol consumption, and waive restrictions on drinking in public. Ban drinking from glass containers and drunk and disorderly conduct.


It’s the basic concept behind the Michael Scott Paper Company storyline


Eh… let’s be real this thing hasn’t even really hit yet anywhere but NYC. People’s tunes are changing fast in Texas. In the early game of a pandemic people believe things because other people told them what to think, in the mid game people are going to believe things because of what they’ve experienced.

There were some deplorable staff at my wife’s facility before this thing hit who believed it was overblown. Those same people are now being really careful about how they wear their PPE.


I’m going to post this here since it’s kind of about the national mood toward the pandemic. Watching CNBC and listening to these hedge fund managers is fucking depressing and hilarious. They just… don’t… get it. This is probably why the market doesn’t make sense.

It’s just a parade of wishcasting and not understanding the virus. Some aren’t worried about cases, only death, and they’re confident death won’t follow cases. Some think that it’s not going to spread outside AZ, TX, FL and thus it isn’t a big concern for overall GDP. Some think it’s not currently out of control, and they’re only worried if it keeps getting worse in those states and gets out of control. Some think it’s going to burn itself out and mutate to be less lethal.

Like these are the “best and brightest” of one of the most competitive industries in America. They don’t understand that death lags cases. They don’t understand that it spreads based on how few restrictions are in place, and it will not just magically stop. They don’t understand that there is no evolutionary pressure for this to become less deadly.


And these are the people donating millions of dollars to politicians to buy their ear, and the politicians think these folks are brilliant minds. So, here we are, and here we go…

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You’re posting like you think they believe anything they are saying on CNBC. They are talking their book. They made some esoteric trades before Coronavirus reared its ugly head with expiration dates that are still in the future that absolutely REQUIRE markets to finish above a certain point or they are going to have a lot of explaining to do.

If they say anything negative at all it will be a major news story and be bad for their career/net worth. They aren’t saying anything that matters to anyone with a brain.


Florida just announced the same. That outta slam the brakes on this runaway train. Gjge Florida, you did it!

This is basically 99% of all 24/7 news.

Which is why intelligent people have mostly stopped watching it yeah. I never just watch 24/7 news unless something is happening live that I’ve independently decided matters, and then the one that gets the business is the one with the best camera positioning and the TV is generally muted.

I genuinely could not care less about any of the opinions on 24/7 news channels. They are all the televised equivalent of a misleading overplayed headline.


Maybe mid 2021 for vaccine… maybe

AstraZeneca vaccine 'probably the most advanced’

A Covid-19 vaccine created by AstraZeneca is probably the leading candidate and most advanced of all the options currently under development, the World Health Organization’s chief scientist has said.

Soumya Swaminathan added that a vaccine developed by Moderna was “not far behind”, according to Reuters news agency.

Hundreds of vaccines are currently being created against Covid-19, although only a small number are being tested in humans.

Scientists in Oxford began the first human trial in Europe in April and signed a deal with AstraZeneca to supply hundreds of millions of doses if it works.

Most experts think a vaccine is likely to become available by mid-2021, about 12-18 months after the virus first emerged.