Not forgive you for a 30 year oldā€™s birthday party? Iā€™d laugh in their face.


Not an option. I work for my family so Iā€™m kind of fucked either way.

They were originally going to go to a hotel last weekend and finally canceled after I told them how dumb they are. They definitely tried hard to guilt me into going but I stood my ground.

My gut is that the following mitigation measures are ideal:

  1. Good face mask compliance
  2. Bars, dine-in restaurants, and clubs closed
  3. Major public gatherings canceled

ā€¦which isnā€™t all that far off from where Texas may end up.

It would have been ideal, however, to have these measures in place without 60 days of insane unmitigated growth driving the base infection rate sky high.


Dude, cā€™mon. This is such an obvious decision. At the very least, just tell them youā€™ve got a cough and a fever.

Edit: Didnā€™t see that you work for your family. You still shouldnā€™t go, and you should still be trying to talk them out of it. What state are you in?

Or show them the picture and articles about the TX family who gathered for a birthday party and are now all sick.

eta: not really directed at you, cuse



Consumer spending:


Thousands of people dying but businesses are making money again so I guess itā€™s worth it.

That seems reasonable, but also you should encourage curbside pickup wherever available, and you actually have to enforce mask compliance. It needs to be 90% or higher indoors. Texas isnā€™t going to get that, and they havenā€™t closed dine-in restaurants yet. Given the situation theyā€™re in, getting to 1.2 is not going to be a good situation. Less dire than this, sure.

They need to be R < 1 for a while to get things back to a reasonably safe place, but thatā€™s not what they want to do. They want to burn through this thing and roll the dice on herd immunity. Thatā€™s what all the red states are doing. Their goal is to race to hospital capacity, try not to totally blow through it, and flatten there.

Basically, the red state model is:

One, nothing wrong with me,
Two, nothing wrong with me,
Three, nothing wrong with me,
Four, nothing wrong with me,

One, somethingā€™s got to give,
Two, somethingā€™s got to give,
Three, somethingā€™s go to give,

Let the bodies hit the floor,
Let the bodies hit the floor,
Let the bodies hit theā€¦


So, Texas is shutting down again because their numbers are apocalyptic.

Here is Georgia, our numbers are terrifying but sub-apocalyptic. So we donā€™t act. Instead, we let another weekend of wild ass partying happen at the bars.

Then our numbers will get apocalyptic early next week, then weā€™ll shut down, and weā€™ll be left with fighting to keep our R value at 1 from a base 30% or so higher than it would have been if we shut down today, Friday, instead of, say, Tuesday.

(And 30% more deaths over the course of this pandemic, too, if you care about that sort of thing.)

Itā€™s fucking heinous. There should be an immediate emergency directive from the Federal Government right now. These arenā€™t ā€œthings we fucked up in the past.ā€ Theyā€™re things we are fucking up right this very moment.


lol - my wife and I just got invited to a July wedding.


Oh you knowā€¦ just Arizona.

Thereā€™s 0 hope in convincing them. My sister is in school to be a CRNA and her sister and brother in law are NPs - they know better.

I donā€™t even want to get into the details on how absurd their viewpoints are but theyā€™re not far off from Q bullshit.

TF? Why not just close bars? Why no alcohol?


Yeah I donā€™t get it either. Political reasons maybe? ā€œWe never closed barsā€

i would do this and provide options, offer to set up a zoom call, or insist that the meeting by outdoors only. A park picnic may work, or let them know it should be postponed. Send them the article for sure.

I wouldnā€™t say shutting down. Only shutting down bars, really. I donā€™t expect people to respect the 50% dine-in capacity, and assuming you can go dine-in and order drinks, people will find ways around it to gather round the table and get hammered and pass some covid around.

You might be a couple weeks away from apocalyptic numbers in Georgia. But yeah, I know the feeling. Pennsylvania is re-opening now with an R0 of .96. Like, we had it, we fucking had it. Partial re-opening, R0 < 1, but barely. Sure, fuck it, letā€™s open alllll the way up. Itā€™ll be a hoot! So that things can get really bad just in time for the fall, back to school, etc, then what?

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The other question is how well enforced the bar closures will even be second time around. Itā€™ll be up to local cops to do anything, I can see outside of the big cities theyā€™d just be like ā€œlol do whatever you wantā€

Probably so restaurants can still serve alcohol.

These GOP politicians are trapped Iā€™ve realized. Because of how Trump is handling this they canā€™t do the sane thing until things get so bad thereā€™s obviously no other choice. Look what happened to DeWine for showing a little spine. Heā€™s probably wondering if heā€™s still going to have a political career right about now.

This is all 100% Donaldā€™s fault insanely enough. He was supposed to message to the voters how they were supposed to think/feel about the pandemic, and he sent them in the entirely wrong directionā€¦ and now his party is in cement shoes standing next to a nuclear reactor containment pond.

This is true everywhere but Florida. They were always fucked because they had sabotaged the state unemployment system in a state that depends on tourism and has a population full of olds. They were drawing dead, so them going high risk high reward is honestly the only way they could find to get a sliver of a winshare to get reelected. One would think that the lives of hundreds of thousands of people would have more weight than tiny fractions of a chance at winning reelection would matter more to the GOP officials who run Floridaā€¦ but you would be wrong.


Iā€™m sure itā€™s this, but Iā€™m equally sure that most bars are going to keep serving alcohol on the down low.