Tweet should’ve started with “Sir!” No wonder they’re going broke.

I took a COVID test today in advance of my cataract surgery this Tuesday.

I didn’t realize until I checked it that they’d be doing a throat swap rather than a nasal swab.



Second wave in Aus.

Parents got door-to-door’d last night, they live in Sunshine. Basically forcibly tested. Both think the whole thing is a scam although both are migrants who didn’t finish high school so I couldn’t expect much.

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Holy shit, what the hell is going on in MS???

Hopefully Darwinism. What part of S.C. are u in?

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Mississippi has the highest rate of gonorrhea of any state in the nation and the third highest rate of chlamydia and syphilis. Is it any wonder they can’t contain COVID?


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So that means their women are doing the deed right? Thanks, I was looking to move. I assume California women are too, but like ten of them per yacht-owning trustfunder.

I don’t know if it was worth a single second to watch this clip, but there was a nice moment when Bill Burr says do the minimum and just wear a mask FFS, Joe pushes back on why he thinks that’s crazy, and Bill says, “Joe–JOE. I’m not fucking doing this with you.” He rightfully says that you can tell how big someone’s ego is by how hard they push back against wearing a mask.

Bill says the time at home alone to ponder things has revealed to him just how much of a selfish asshole he still is.

Considering they are still last in cases/day on that chart, I’d say they started from a low base.

I couldn’t speak to the methods of transmission. The yachts in MS are considerably smaller and cheaper, though, if you need one to properly peacock.

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Pretty sure just by showing I’d be peacocking in MS.

Listen to Mr. Humblebrag over here

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I have those too. Was going to recommend them for glasses wearers. The trick is pinning the flap under the nose things on your glasses. It took nearly three weeks to receive them as an additional FYI.

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I saw this posted on Rogan FB and the meatheads disagree. He was just kidding! They are friends. Do what you want!

That’s frustrating, but I don’t bother myself any more with that than a two year old who won’t stop shitting next to the toilet instead of in it.

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Just sayin’ that what we saw didn’t come across in translation to those people.

Joe Rogan dying of corona might actually help the situation.

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