We had a couple early on that most likely had it, including a guy who had a fever for nine days straight. That was before there was testing available though. Whoops!

Thought on our flu season conundrum.

Flu is pretty symptomatic so people stay away and the infection period is pretty short before symptoms.

Once people start spending time to be outside the R drops hard below 1. By the time the heat arrives and puts people back inside it is pretty much wiped out down to very low levels- essentially 0 in many areas and can’t get a foothold. Possible humidity differences as well.

Covid is pretty much the opposite in all respects.

I’m in the finger lakes region and think it’s absolutely ridiculous for people to be inside right now especially without masks. I guess it’s cool and all that people think they are invincible and won’t transmit it, but grow up and just do the right thing. Nobody’s mental health is suffering by wearing a cloth over their nose and mouth ya babies


This is of course in contrast to “southern california” where only these areas circled really count, and the millions of weirdos who choose to live in riverside and bakersfield aren’t really considered part of it.

God damn. This kind of post is why I love this site.

Thank you for this. Great update. Extremely informative.



I’ve been red-lined! I think you just went right through my house.

What did Palos Verdes and Dana Point do to lose status as SoCal?

No major argument here. There are a select few types of cases that benefit greatly from in-person services, but telehealth is at least a mediocre alternative for most.

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I take it this means you are not a fan of Cuomo’s re-opening plan/approach then?

I told her no, and she told me I could still come in… She didn’t make the form, it was generated by either a professional group or insurance, I forget which she said.

Yeah this is the base form sent out by the American Psychological Association.

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I read it over twice, and I don’t see anything about wearing masks.

The temperature taking at home seems pretty silly; if the office is going to mandate temperature taking they should have the touchless thermometer gun at the office.

Of course, I agree with the “don’t come in if you or anyone in the household is sick.”

I’ve been seeing people through the lockdown via telehealth. We reopened the doors at the beginning of June, but approx. 2/3 of my patients are still telehealth.

A few of the insurance carriers have set a deadline of mid-July to cease covering telehealth, although that may change in the coming weeks.

lol including Palm Springs and not Riverside

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Nobody CHOOSES to live in Bakersfield. Unfortunate life circumstances just end up putting you there

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Hes got most of Palos Verdes. Maybe he just hates Terranea

here is where everyone on the city council for a coastal beach community in southern california graduated from college: university of cincinnati, university of rochester, university of illinois, university of wisconsin, and UCLA (before he joined the marines).

Did you intentionally draw a Black Power cigarette who just farted?

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I think it’s just that 90% never get tested for whatever reason. Many asymptomatic, some presymptomatic, many just don’t bother.

90% seems a very high estimate to me. I did some analysis of NY State serology testing and found that in the March and April, the gross number of positive tests combined with implied infected population from serology indicated that about 90% of cases were never diagnosed.

But in the months of May and June, around 70% of cases were never diagnosed.

Which sounds like a minor shift—90% to 70%. But when you’re looking at the reciprocal, X positive tests implies 10X cases if you’re at 90% being undiagnosed, but only 3X cases if you’re at 70% being undiagnosed.

Given our % positive rate, I think it’s highly unlikely we’re still at 90% undiagnosed.

I know one woman in Bakersfield. She used to be smart, Geologist grad. Then she married a climate denier and spends her time on FB posting about how critical the oil industry is to California.