Kansas had a more gradual opening. They have a Dem governor. Well it was gradual until the legislature went to the Supreme court to strip her of her ability to manage it.

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Steven Dennis tilts me so much because I see the picture and assume heā€™s a Republican.

Basically the same thing that happens to me when I show up at a skater protest.

For me it would typically be about 80% live poker, 10% hanging with friends/family, 10% dating during normal timesā€¦ More vacation-oriented obviously when Iā€™m on vacation, which would pull the overall percentages up for family.

It sounds degenerate perhaps, but for those of us who play live poker for a living, thatā€™s the same as the amount of human contact you guys get at work.

Yeah and Iā€™m kind of sweating it now, to be honest, which isnā€™t great for my mental health. I forgot that I almost always get a stuffy nose and a cough for a day or two after I play golf, because Iā€™m allergic to stuff like grass and trees. I know logically I wouldnā€™t have symptoms yet anyway, but itā€™s still hard not to worry.

Yeah I have zero tolerance for that.

Please please please please let them have the stones to cite him and the entire White House convoy and hit them with the $2,000 per person fine.


Is there data on what percent of ICU beds could be freed up by suspending elective surgeries or by moving people to non-ICU beds? For instance, of the 70% of Houston ICU beds that are filled with non-COVID patients, how many could actually be freed up if necessary?

Iā€™ve having some thoughts on this for several weeks that I might end up taking to the mental health thread.

For now, Iā€™ll say that I might be playing live poker sooner than most of you would be willing to, almost certainly before the year is out. Itā€™s not that I am being dismissive of the risk or that I am some sort of degenerate who needs to gamble. The truth is that I just donā€™t think I have as much to lose as the rest of you.

What I really need is a suggestion for a washable cloth mask that I might be able to wear comfortably for 12 hours. My poor craftsmanship means that any idea that involves making my own mask is out of the question. If it matters, I wear glasses, so I need to keep that from fogging up.

TMC, the goliath of this group, said that as of Tuesday, 97% of its 1,330 ICU beds were occupied (only 27% are currently filled by patients with Covid-19; 70% are non-Covid patients). TMC estimates it can handle a surge of about 373 more patients and, in extreme circumstances, another 504. If all those additional 877 patients are admitted, TMCā€™s maximum capacity of 2,207 ICU beds will be reached.

This seems to be their version of scraping every last bed they can, so I would assume it involves moving everyone out of the ICU that they can.

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So 70% of itā€™s ICU beds are non COVID. Guess their elective procedures are OPEN FOR BUSINESS.

They were until now.

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I ordered a cloth mask, if itā€™s good once it arrives Iā€™ll post about it. If your glasses are fogging up, the mask isnā€™t working right anyway.

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Our protocol is:

  • everyone must wear a mask in the building (including during the session),
    -no bringing guests to hang in the waiting room,
    -be willing to accept a glop of hand sanitizer upon entering the office,
    -if you have a co-payment please allow us to keep a credit card # on file to try to keep people out of the secretaryā€™s office.

@ElSapo, was your therapistā€™s protocol more or less onerous than this.

Just got informed that one of my crew members is pozzed. They arenā€™t worried about testing us though :smirk:

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Iā€™m confused. Is he implying that a good chunk of the 90% of infected people are presymptomatic and itā€™s going blow up, or that 90% of those infected are asymptomatic?

Iā€™m honestly shocked some people who do what you do havenā€™t had it yet.

My wife bought us some of these, theyā€™re pretty comfy and have a flap to go over your nose to prevent fogging. Only downside is the ear loops arenā€™t elastic.

I canā€™t speak for your therapist, but itā€™s worth noting that the ethical guidelines of psychologists and social workers/counselors are especially high on providing informed consent - meaning that we are responsible for ensuring you know what your treatment/experience will be like and why. This form is likely as much about facilitating collaborative treatment as it is about limiting liability.

If you have ties OR

Ear loops that arenā€™t elastic

I recommend getting cord locks. You will have to add a single tie to each ear loop to modify.

I have ties top and bottom and kept making knots.,pdtr0:2141097|2152495,vw:l,init_ar:SgeyBAQI_1_1Eg,ss:44&prmd=sinv&sxsrf=ALeKk00HmauFreaSZ0kGE-PQMfTByrMqEg:1593116436834&prds=num:1,of:1,epd:1399456005994162181,prmr:1,pid:1399456005994162181,cs:1

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Of all things that need to be done in person, therapist seems about the bottom 10% to me.

I will admit that in person is better than phone, but not nearly enough to counteract the risks.