SC daily numbers are in
1109 new cases (2nd highest behind yesterday)
16.9% positive (highest ever AFAIK)
881 hospitalized (+50 from yesterday, +150 since Monday)

My wife just found out multiple people at the hospital she works at have tested positive but they’re keeping it quiet (supposedly for HIPAA) and still forcing her to come in even though insurance will pay for remote visits. The infection specialist thinks as many as 25% of working-age adults have now been infected in the area (no idea how she came to this result and seems unlikely as far as I can tell anecdotally, I still am not personally aware of anyone I know testing positive…

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Yeah, we should be in as good of shape as Europe at least, then we should be helping countries like Peru that need it. In this America, both of those things are a hilariously impossible pipe dream. It’s tragic and so incredibly infuriating.


Y’all went a bit hard on @ElSapo imo. I don’t agree with him about eating indoors, but his broader point is correct that many ITT are harming themselves for (likely) no gain in fighting the virus. Yes we should be staying away from people, wearing masks, and what not. But it’s a pretty big mistake to be holing yourself away for months on end with no human contact. Good food, sleep, and mental health are important factors in defeating this virus.


Just pure bad faith trolling with these guys.

95% of my human contact is live poker and the other 5% involves going on vacation, which I can’t afford to do if I’m not playing poker.

As always there is a vast ocean between being in crowds indoors maskless and locking yourself in your closet for 18 months. I don’t think anyone is advocating the latter. Even cuse who has been pretty cautious said he went and played golf yesterday.

There are tons of things that are fairly low risk to do, even with people, that aren’t anywhere near as bad as habitually eating inside restaurants or refusing to wear a mask indoors.

I agree with your sentiment, I am just saying it isn’t all or nothing.


Cue firing the Texas health director or them quitting after death threats within a month.

if (democratIsInCharge()) blame Democrat;
else blame HealthDirector;


You should take on fixing that with as much seriousness as you do washing your hands and wearing a mask.


Yeah, I was far too flippant in my characterization of that article. There’s obviously a huge gulf between “We tried our hardest, but we can’t do this anymore without devastating our society” and “MUH FREEDUMZ”.


You can get human contact w/o spending 3 hours in a bar slobbering over your friends.

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I agree. That’s my point.

That whole graph is less than 3 weeks wide and it takes like 5 to die so it’ll be another few weeks for the deaths to move up.

Latest was 3-6 days as of data through 6/23, so between 6/26 and 6/29. That’s not off of my main spreadsheet, that’s off of the R0 I’m caculating off of the last 28 days of Orange County data, as well as the publicly available information on their current hospital capacity numbers. I also multiplied their number of official COVID patients by 1.5, because that seems to be a reasonable ratio of officially confirmed to confirmed + suspected based off other states. My assumption is anyone who is assumed to have COVID in a hospital has COVID.

Which is to say that I could be off - they could surge capacity more, they could be actually reporting all the COVID cases… I still don’t see their hospitals making it to 7/11. I’m short on DIS, I have puts with a 7/2 expiry and with a 7/17 expiry. I’m hoping they announce their closure before July 2nd, obviously, but they could wait…

Regardless, opening would be hugely irresponsible.

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The dumb thing Sapo said was believing masks don’t help. The rest wasn’t terrible, but everyone here should know better than that.


a house in my neighborhood has a lawn sign that says IDIOT on it in big letters, and that’s pretty much all you can read while driving unless you really slow down and look at the small letters which say like we have an idiot governor lol but to me it’s just a notice that an idiot lives there


I think it was also the “I live in an area with zero cases, but I think you guys are terrible at risk analysis due to the precautions you are taking” hot-take.

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Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, estimated Thursday that for every confirmed coronavirus case, there are possibly 10 more that are undiagnosed. He also estimated that 92 to 95 percent of the U.S. population is still susceptible to the virus, and said that young people are driving the recent surge in cases in parts of the South and West.


Trump to visit New Jersey but won’t quarantine

US President Donald Trump is to visit his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, this weekend, but the White House says he won’t be following a regional travel advisory requiring visitors from hotspots to self-quarantine for 14 days.

On Tuesday Trump visited Arizona - a state experiencing a rise in Covid-19 cases that’s on New Jersey’s quarantine-needed list.

The quarantine requirement was announced by the governors of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut on Wednesday.

“The President of the United States is not a civilian,” spokesman Judd Deere said, adding that anyone who is in close proximity to the president gets tested.

Deere said the White House had ensured Trump did not come into contact with symptomatic or untested individuals during his Arizona trip.

“Anyone travelling in support of the president this weekend will be closely monitored for symptoms and tested for Covid and therefore pose little to no risk to the local populations,” he said.

Missouri and West Virginia were 5/3, Indiana was 5/4, Kansas was 5/3 and they’re not out of control yet… (If their stats are on the up and up.)