Same beach, same day, different angle (but still scary)

Austrian! (no L)

Antibodies found in over 40% of Austrian ski resort’s residents

More than 40% of residents in Ischgl, an Austrian ski resort village that was once at the heart of Europe’s coronavirus outbreak, have developed antibodies against Covid-19, a study has found.

Thousands of people, many of them European tourists, were infected there in early March.

Researchers from the Medical University of Innsbruck conducted antibody tests on 1,473 people, about 79% of Ischgl’s population.

The study found that 42.4% of those tested had antibodies for Covid-19.

Antibodies are tiny proteins that our immune systems produce in response to bacteria and viruses.

The director of the university’s Institute of Virology, Dorothee von Laer, said Ischgl had the highest prevalence of antibodies “ever proven in a study”.

“Even though at that rate herd immunity cannot be assumed, Ischgl’s population should be protected [from the virus] to a large extent," she said.

Austria has recorded more than 17,000 infections and almost 700 deaths to date, both relatively low numbers compared to its European neighbours.

Read more: Ischgl resort at heart of Europe’s outbreak reopens


That was the least impacted region of NY state. That said, eating in a restaurant is still dumb right now.

Republicans really trying to do everything in their power to turn Texas blue.

When does your model have Orlando hospitals getting overwhelmed and is it prior to July 11th? (Disney World’s reopening date). I keep trying to tell people on disboards to cancel their trips, there is no way disney can reopen with these numbers, etc. etc. few are listening.

I didn’t realize Washington is a hair below our 7 day average all time peak. 16 counties are in phase 3 of reopening. Afaik no county has been rolled back since open for business started rolling out. Basically we are heading for destination fucked along with everyone else. Give it 6 weeks and NYC is going to explode again, but at least Bloomingdales is open.

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Good god.

I’m not so sure about NY. NY/NJ/CT seems to be doing a really good job with testing/contact tracing, masks, etc. if NY/NJ/CT were its own country I think it would be more analogous to Europe right now than the rest of the US.

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938 cases in Louisiana, only 28 in New Orleans. I think people in the rest of the state must be actively coughing on each other to own the libs or something.

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That is some throbbing surging Freedom right there. 'Merica.

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Did something happen/change in Florida in late may/early june? lol

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Weather starts to get really hot towards end of May. People stay indoors along with the shenanigans of reopening. Perfect shit storm.

Washington is going to fare much better than the south. So much of this thing is cultural; that aspect of it is being wildly underrated right now. New York will never blow up like it did again. Its people will be careful, and the herd immunity they have built up will help. Washington will also be much more careful.

If the individual people are responsible, then you can probably be a pretty open society with keeping Rt at or below 1. Or if it’s a hair above 1, hopefully it’s from a low base. But people in the south are just completely YOLO. Even if we started acting much more responsibly, getting Rt below 1 is going to make for a long, painful, destructive summer.

I just ate at a fast casual place on an empty patio, when the restaurant was quite full inside. I guess it’s too hot for people, and they wanted to sit in air conditioning? It’s 80 degrees right now, in Atlanta. GMAFB you babies, go sit outside.

Every week of this insane growth in southern states is a massive increase in expense, mortality, future mitigation efforts, etc. Like 1.5- or 2-fold. Enjoy eating your fucking burrito in the air conditioning.

Nationwide, the rate was slowing down but now FL/CA/TX are shifting it back up. Blue line is a week ago, orange is today. Should reach 3 million cases in two weeks.



THISX100. It’s easy to eat n drink outside in the hardest hit southern red neck states when it’s 75 out but when it’s starts scorching like day old herp and the humidity soaks you, these people will all be heading inside.


Is there a single May 1st reopening state that is doing well? The droolers out there must think it is just a coincidence I guess.