My wife works at Greenville hospital system, and they’ve evacuated some beds to prepare for a Covid surge also

That’s good, I hope they do something in SC to avoid it blowing through the surge capacity, but I think we all know that’s not very likely. I hope she’s able to stay safe and they get plenty of PPE and all that.

Worldometer site shows 5000 cases for Fla Today and 1142 for AL, is that a high for AL?

Not a fair characterization of what’s happening in Peru. Disclaimer: I’m a Peruvian who immigrated to the US so I may be a little biased in my post.

Peru has been in a pretty strict quarantine for 102 days. No schools. No leaving your house except for grocery shopping. No walking your dog or exercising outdoors. No driving except for emergencies. No workplaces open except for hospitals, grocery stores, and banks. The president declared this strict quarantine before any other country in Latin America iirc. Only recently ( 2-3 weeks ago) they started relaxing some of the more strict measures. Even then, the number of cases has kept increasing.

Why? I think there are structural problems that make it impossible for the majority of the country to adhere to the quarantine. My family and friends, who are mostly middle/upper middle class have all been staying home and keeping their jobs (for the most part), and somehow kept their sanity and positive outlook. But for the 50% of the population that are lower middle class or outright poor, staying home is not an option. They don’t live paycheck-to-paycheck, they live day-to-day. They live crammed in small houses in crowded neighborhoods with poor sanitation. They don’t have a bank account so they have to go to the bank and get in long lines to cash the government’s stimulus checks. Most of them work in the informal economy. They’re also very uneducated which means vulnerable to misinformation.

Most of the population goes grocery shopping to large open-air markets. A month ago the government went into several of those markets and tested vendors: 50% of them had COVID! In one market 80% of vendors tested positive. Yet, poor people have no choice but to go shopping there.

Seems to me that the country has done what it could with their limited resources, and they actually got the R0 down close to 1, but the informal economy that sustains a lot of the Peruvian population is collapsing, and that will probably mean more deaths than COVID, plus massive social unrest.

I think this highlights the challenges that developing or third world countries have in combating the pandemic. Poor health infrastructure, economies that cannot support prolonged shutdowns, and massive income inequality which exacerbates the effects. I’m frankly surprised that we don’t see these kinds of news coming out from more countries.

Compare that to the US, where we have better infrastructure and economy. Where we can afford to give people and companies a lifeline to weather the storm. Yet because of the motherfuckers in charge and their idiotic supporters, we’re doing not much better (or worse!) than countries with a fraction of our resources. All for the sake of the bottom line of a few people, and the ego of a man-child who thinks everything is about him.


lolol - my kids’ school district, which is a really good one, just announced its plans for the coming school year: parents choose whether their kids go to school or do distance learning. And, you know, the schools will practice social distancing whenever possible (meaning never) and masks are “encouraged” on school buses.

My wife checked in with a local moms FB group and most are pissed at making us make a decision with so little info. We have to decide by July 10.

It’s on the higher end of what they’ve been reporting for a while now I believe. Florida just had their second highest case total ever, yesterday was the record by a wide margin so a bit of regression still proves upward trajectory

isn’t it pretty much all open now anyways? I think the horse is out the barn bro.

My daughter’s daycare is opening back up next Monday in Atlanta, right into the teeth of a spike in infections. What the fuck was the point of all this?


Looks like we will be sweating 40k again today…

I would use his logic against him.

Actually I would just ignore the post and put him on mute because what an asshole.

But if I wanted to play his game I would ask him how many of the 80,000 people that died if the flu 2017-18 (without doing in research I would bet this claim is complete bullshit) actually had tested positive for the flu and how many of those deaths were actually from another cause and why is Trump’s CDC covering that up?

Why don’t you wear a mask walking to the grocery store. Why do you want my mom to die?

Waiting to put a mask on until right before you walk into a grocery store just seems silly. Isn’t it easier to just put it on in the car?


I have no idea how people can enjoy beaches when they’re that crowded.

I see that and visions of me having a panic attack run through my mind and that’s without considering the spread of covid19

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Seems like that should be better than a lot of places, but I guess the main question I have is why?

Why not do outdoor seating or take out?

I have never in my life felt such a sustained feeling of helplessness watching this shitshow. I just keep screaming to myself, “This isn’t supposed to happen in a developed country. Why the fuck can’t we establish and follow basic procedures to address this? Why can’t people exhibit the slightest care for others by wearing a mask that is almost certaintly less uncomfortable than a woman wearing a bra all day?”

And now we’re supposed to just decide whether to impose further academic costs on our kids by keeping them home vs. imposing further disease costs on everyone by sending them to school.

On the work side, my university seems utterly unprepared to provide safe in-person instruction, despite that being the expectation.

I am just so emotionally exhuasted. Echoing @bobman0330, what the fuck was the point of all this quarantining if people were just going to YOLO at the slightest inconvenience?


Because we aren’t a developed country. We’re a third-world shithole with money.


I think we get there today.

The powers that be decided they needed to pretend to do something so they could wash their hands of it. I don’t think most of them were smart enough to see how badly that was going to backfire. Hell I think most of them still don’t see it.

This is basically what I did. Told him the cancer death numbers were faked because people who get lung cancer actually die of lung infection, and 9/11 terrorism death numbers were low because people actually died of an unrelated building failure. He came back in character with the same JAQing off and apologized for triggering me because he’s definitely a serious person. I posted the video of the crazy girl in miami and told him this was his copilot in the fight against masks. Asked him if he agrees with her? Why or why not? I’m basically corn cobbing myself at this point though lol