Well, there’s the risk tolerance difference? I’ve eaten in three or four establishments in the last week to 10 days, I think.

And here…we…go.


yea when you say risk tolerance difference, i’m hearing intelligence difference


Umm…yea don’t eat inside restaurants. Eat outside in fresh air and social distance. Use mask when waiter/waitress is at table.


Indoor seating?

Where are you?

Seems foolish to assert that you have some sort of crazy high risk tolerance when you are admittedly still taking precautions (like wearing a mask where required) in a county of 100,000 that has had 3 total positive tests since June 6 (<.1%).

Suggesting that folks are foolishly jeopardizing relationships by overestimating risk when they are potentially living in counties with hundreds of new daily cases based on the conditions in rural NY seems a bit silly too.

Perhaps you are the scardey cat wearing that mask at all!

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Finger Lakes and Southern Tier region of NY.

Don’t fucking go out to eat inside a restaurant during a fucking pandemic. Jesus Christ it’s not that fucking hard people.


Maybe. … I know folks who have a solid idea of risk factors and protocols but haven’t hugged their (adult) kids or grandchildren in months. This seems ridiculous to me.

Guys guys he’s not STUPID, he’s just not as much of a SNOWFLAKE as we are!

Yeesh that’s bad. What site is it? It looks familiar but I don’t remember which that is.

Then you’re an asshole


There are ways to adjust to life in a pandemic that allow us to address social isolation and mental health issues while mitigating risk. Do you know what maybe the number one thing people can do to mitigate risk is? Hint: it comes with zero downside.

“Quit trying to scare people”

“Also hospitals stop doing elective surgeries to make more room … for reasons”

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Yeah this is what I basically lost two friends over. The combination of going out to eat like a mile away from a massive civil rights protest while basically ignoring it and going out to eat during a pandemic, I couldn’t bite my tongue. I didn’t think they’d never speak to me again over it, but it’s been a month and we used to talk almost daily. Oh well. I don’t know how people do that shit, it’s just so aloof and selfish.

Bury one of those adult kids or grandchildren, and I reckon you’d sing a different tune.

There’s two types of people - the type that wants to do everything within their power to minimize the rampant spread of a global pandemic, and the type that wants to do everything they can to maximize their personal amount of fun times.

Selfless vs. selfish.

If you think the most important thing you can do right now is try to squeeze in the absolute most fun possible while narrowly avoiding COVID-19, enjoy.


The actual numbers are usually behind JHU so it’s probably worse than it looks.

So it only took 2 weeks for my joke to become reality:

To protest face masks, Arizona city councilman uses George Floyd’s words: ‘I can’t breathe’


CO2 is 0.00065 micron
Cv averages .13 micron 200 fold larger
Droplets are in the 10 micron range.

So yeah the whole if I can smell it -some small molecular less than 0.001 micron vs a 10 micron droplet. Only 10,000 fold difference. So yeah that logic…