I have a Machiavellian desire for mask wearing to be widespread enough for it to look like a requirement will be supported by a majority but low enough that politicians who care about public health will feel that voluntary compliance levels aren’t good enough and that the coercive force of government needs to be used to make people wear masks.

I also think some people are doing more damage to their mental health and relationships than the virus would. … minority opinion, I get it.

Yeah, that was one of the single dumbest lines in the entire post. To attach to that as the example of the logic you do agree with is…something.

“I wear my seatbelts at low speeds. That makes sense to me. But I’ve done my research, and at 80 mph, if your car runs into a stationary object, you’re dead! So when I’m getting on the interstate, the first thing I do is unclip that silly uncomfortable restraint.”


Have any other iPhone users noticed that Face ID is starting to work even with a mask on? They tweaked it to automatically bring up the keypad when you have a mask on a month or so ago but yesterday I sat down at work with my mask on and it just unlocked, and it seems to be consistently unlocking this morning.

Mine has been like this for a while. Definitely a very good move on Apple’s part.

God dammit this is perfect.


Peru: Screw it, we’re OPEN FOR BUSINESS

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That has nothing to do with masks, and does nothing to address your conspiracy theory nonsense beliefs. Also as a poster here you should obviously be well aware of the permanent damage the virus does to a large percentage of people’s lungs, kidneys, brain, etc… “Recovered” does not mean back to normal.

You’ve decided you can’t handle precautions, you can’t be bothered, and now you’re back filling moronic bullshit to support your decision.


I don’t think I said any of that. I wear masks in public where required.

And I’m guessing you don’t where it’s not…

Correct, I don’t wear masks when sitting in a restaurant to eat, or sitting outdoors spaced out from people. I don’t wear masks while hiking outside or walking from my car to the door of the market.

You’re on the record believing that they don’t make much difference. That is moronic bullshit. Yourself, your family and friends, and anyone you cross paths with are at a higher risk because of your beliefs in moronic bullshit.

You’re a covidiot.


Curious what makes you think your level of risk tolerance is so much higher than everyone else ITT, if your area truly has 0 COVID-19 cases. For the folks that are living in areas with current rapid/exponential growth or have been heavily impacted over the past few months, how would you evaluate your level of risk vs. them?

Orange County, FL with 730 cases today. In a county with 1 million people.

In a place that had never logged >100 cases until 2 weeks ago.

If the same rate held over the entire country, there would be >200,000 cases/day.


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Good question. Tough to know … my area didn’t always have this number of cases (roughly 0 new ones; haven’t seen numbers today). But even when we had more I thought the way many people approached the virus was off.

The consensus I’ve seen on this forum is that there is little chance of outdoor transmisison. I see friends on facebook reminding people “Wear your mask, even outside!” … So there seems to be a range of well-meaning people with different ideas and approaches.

Where do you see this? They were at 345 6/23. Maybe that 4.xx R0 isn’t an aberration.

If you want to argue its not as neccesary outside, ok fine you can argue that, whatever, but you are talking about eating in restuarants without one etc, indoors you should 100% be wearing a mask.

North Texas family shaken after 18 relatives test positive for COVID-19 following surprise birthday party

From the article:

Even though everyone did their best to stay socially distant, Barbosa said it wasn’t enough.

Picture from the article:


How you gonna eat and wear a mask? … I put the mask on to walk to the bathroom from the table, and from the table back outside, and outside through the outdoor seating area if there is one. I’m not wearing a mask between bites.

You dont fucking eat inside restuarants lmaooooo, have you been reading this thread or decide to just come in today and do this shit without reading?