US ‘sets new daily record’ as virus surges in certain states

As several US states take steps to ease lockdowns and reopen their economies, the country reported 36,880 new cases on Wednesday, according to a tally by the New York Times.

This would be the highest single-day increase since the pandemic began, breaking a record set in April. A similar tally by The Covid Tracking Project put the figure at 38,672, which would also break its own records. Wednesday’s figures have not yet been published by Johns Hopkins University, which has its own infection monitoring team.

Early in America’s outbreak, infections were largely concentrated in New York and New Jersey. But the recent surge has hit southern and western states like Florida, California, Texas and Oklahoma.

The rise has been in part attributed to increased testing, though hospital admissions have also been rising in states like Florida, indicating the outbreak is worsening in parts of the country.

As of now, more than 3.8 million cases and nearly 122,000 deaths have been confirmed in the US, according to Johns Hopkins University.

My SOs parents have been using these since the pandemic started. And they are OLD. Begging to be infected.

Well there you go.

It is fascinating reading this thread. My level of risk tolerance is so much higher than most, and I think lots of people are doing the math wrong and do more damage to their mental health and relationships than the actual virus does.

Of course, I live in upstate NY and we have been successful in stopping the spread. Tompkins County is down to 1 <?> active case and things are pretty much getting back to normal. … I had started going back to see my therapist in person, but she wanted me to sign some kind of protocol agreement and I said no.

It does matter what the local infection rate is in your area.

However giving an F about the country and world in general does not matter.

This is really the case that sum of everyone’s behavior adds up to the total impact. As long as it keeps flourishing somewhere it will hit or come back to YOUR community.

Wear a damn mask and don’t hang out with other people indoors anymore than necessary.


Yeah Greenville County is only at like 72% capacity. Sometimes what happens is that the urban areas have more hospitals per capita, so some rural areas are the first to tip over and then their overflow goes to the urban areas. The first county in Florida to run out of ICU beds is a small one north of Jacksonville with like 8 total ICU beds.

I don’t think Republicans understand math.

Lol ‘stop trying to scare people’ he says directly before people start dying in hallways in Houston. Fear isn’t really the problem at this point dude… no place in the US has been overrun Italy style yet, but near as I can tell Florida and Texas are racing to be the first. It’s happening in the next 3-4 weeks and when it does it’s going to be in a LOT of campaign ads.

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Even if he was right and that there was plenty of ICU bed capacity…how about we take steps to ensure that people DON’T NEED TO BE ADMITTED TO THE ICU?

If someone needs a bed in the ICU, they are fucked. Great! We have enough beds for you to die in!

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I went looking for this study because I wanted to cite it and found this:

And that one doesn’t say that the protests didn’t cause people to be infected, it says that cases in cities where there were protests didn’t rise overall because people who were NOT protesting stayed at home more, which balanced it out.


Spoken by someone who has obviously never interacted with a cat and I don’t even care about your fake news profile photo.


So with all the mask drama sweeping the Nation I have some thoughts and I am interested to know others opinions. Not to start an argument, although I know this is FB so that’s bound to happen but try to keep it classy if you choose to comment. I’m not posting to defend or argue either side, just to hear some input and insight from others since I feel there is a tremendous amount of misinformation out there, and also many truths as well.

I wear a mask when I go into places that ask people to do so. Honestly, I do this to make others feel more comfortable. I don’t believe it makes much difference due to the research I’ve done personally on how viruses spread and the effectiveness of cloth masks (no I am not a doctor, I am aware). The only reasonable thing I’ve read to support wearing a mask is wearing a surgical grade, N95 respirator mask which does prove to be effective against tiny particles and viruses. Everything else I’ve read does not support cloth masks having any ability to stop a particle the size of a virus. One of the best,and funniest analogies I’ve come across talks about farting with your pants on. It still smells, so your cloth clothing is not keeping those particles in, same with the cloth masks. Now on to my questions…

  1. If you do wear a mask regularly, at what point will you feel safe not wearing one? According to CDC info, this virus is not going to go away, along with the other 12,000+ viruses that exist in nature with the ability to infect humans and mammals. Will you wear a mask forever and expect others to do the same?

  2. I’ve seen numerous people wearing masks outdoors in public and pulling those masks down to light up a cigarette and smoke with other people in the vicinity. Cigarettes have been around for decades and while the government has taken measures to limit people’s ability to smoke in public (indoors especially) we all know this still happens everywhere on a regular basis. Why no outrage here? I’ve heard and read many people accusing others of not caring about human lives by not agreeing to wear masks in public. Can the same not be said for those who choose to smoke in public? I feel this is hypocritical, especially if you are a smoker and you are mask shaming others. If you look at CDC data, second hand cigarette smoke kills around 40,000 people a year, most of whom are not smokers themselves. Not as many as Corona this year but if you multiply that by the number of decades cigarettes have been around, it’s a pretty high number.

  3. Given that we now know hospitals are reporting ALL deaths where a patient tested positive for Corona as Corona related deaths, how accurate do you feel the numbers actually are? In addition to that, during the 2017-2018 flu season there were over 80,000 flu related deaths in the US alone and roughly 400,000-600,000 worldwide (CDC estimates), even with a vaccine. Hospitals had to set up tents, bring in additional staff, even send trucks to unload bodies from the morgue by the dozen. Why was there no call for testing, mask wearing, sheltering in place, or self quarantine then? Why no shut downs? Why no “pandemic”? I feel personally this is a strong example of how much of an impact the way our media outlets choose to report on things can have on the way we think and act. Do you feel differently? Do you feel the media has been truthful and unbiased in covering this?

  4. Last question. Will you get the Corona Virus vaccine? Many people out there are praying for a vaccine to come quickly and seem to be using it as the benchmark for when they will feel safe to return to “normal”. The fastest vaccine developed to date from what info I could find is roughly 4 years, and unknown side effects are still being discovered today. Also, it’s now being reported that Corona virus was in fact man made while scientists were attempting to create a vaccine for several other types of flu strains. It’s engineered to have an affinity for human cells, which explains why it is so contagious and easily spread, yet less deadly than many other flu strains, statistically. (This is from an article I read today, not a personal opinion). If a Corona vaccine comes out by next year, which would be unprecedented and admittedly “rushed” by experts, will you get it and allow your children to get it? Not knowing what the long term effects could be? Will you expect others to get it and claim those who don’t do not care about your safety, at the expense of their concern for their own safety?

Much of this post is just needing to get these things off my chest. So much of it makes no sense to me. It now feels so political and yet another way for our government to divide and conquer the masses through fear and control. I also do realize there are people out there who are genuinely concerned and have lost loved ones to this virus. I have family members who are considered “high risk” so I empathize with those who are in the same boat. I’m not looking to change anyone’s mind about anything, just make more sense of all this for my own personal and mental well being. I want things to go back to normal, whatever that may be. I miss my friends. I miss my family (some of you). I miss sports, fantasy baseball, and Sunday cocktails on the patio. I also want my loved ones to continue doing what they feel is best for themselves and their families. I will continue to do the same. Thanks for your input.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh facebook. i’m telling you even reasonable people have become fucking morons. this is a smart guy whos thought of things and hes come to the conclusion that every conspiracy theory is true? wtf

there are 127 comments and he replying to everyone with a bunch of bunch of JAQing off like “Last year during flu season did you wear a mask? Why or why not?” like this is some sort of mindblowing comeback



Yeah, “Quit trying to scare people,” is going to be on the screen as footage of death tolls in TX and cell phone footage of people lining hallways rolls.

The senior senator from Texas disagrees, he says “nearly all will recover.”

What a fucking asshole/moron. (It’s both.)

What gave it away? The posses?

Haha… the whole fucking thing, though.


edit: I love how it always starts off with “I’m not posting to take either side.” And then he spouts a ton of clearly one side/conspiracy nonsense.


Agree the post is no good, includes conspiracy stuff. I also agree with a lot of it. Like … I agree with his conclusions but not the work it took to get there.

like which conclusions exactly? I don’t think there is anything of value in that post.

This is pretty much my approach:

Then you’re a moron. There’s plenty of research that shows that cloth masks help. Stop ignoring it. You post/read here, you’ve been exposed to it. Stop acting like cloth masks don’t make a significance difference.