That’s taken. Those consultants have clearly already been hired.


LOL never thought about it but my friend who I’ve written about before taking a month off work because they were kinda high risk works for UPSolutions. Well I guess its actually UPS solutions. Basically a UPS subsidiary for Adidas.


The people using those cards to force their way into a store are the same people that say you can tell gays to fuck off and refuse to serve them because religion.

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Partly that, but also remember red states are under reporting covid deaths by like 50%

Anderson and Spartanburg border Greenville, which is the hardest hit place in S.C., but haven’t been hit as hard themselves according to the numbers. Weird that they’d be worse off before Greenville and bad news for Greenville as they’d be the most likely overflow locations

My “round two” in that post was in reference to the same person catching it for a second time. Not a second wave.

My point is that the increase in youngs with the virus matches or exceeds the decrease in interactions with the olds such that the product is the same or higher, though it may take a little longer (like a chemical reaction at a lower temperature).

Wrist bands and a head band were my tool to keep my ball touching hands off my face.

set up nicely on a tee for jokes

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When we worked for a large corporation, my buddy and I always cautioned ourselves as it was easy to stand out when the rest of the crop was C students (and even some lingering Ds that somehow survived). A B student could look like a rock star but fail you when the project really needed a super star A student)

I’ve seen media reports about the younger average age being the likely reason. To me that just builds in an extra lag as they young crew becomes the spreaders to those trying to be more careful.

“…62.1 percent of all bankruptcies in the [United States] were “medical bankruptcies.” A 2015 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that medical bills caused 1 million U.S. adults to declare bankruptcy every year…”

“As it turns out, medical bankruptcy is almost unheard of outside of the United States.”

I worry about outdoors in terms of concerts and sports where people sit in the same seats practically on top of each other in structures that diminish air flow or form consistent currents from face to face to face.

Journey with me back to May 22:

The data is now in from late May. I hope you’re sitting down.

In the Stockholm region, Week 21 had the highest proportion of antibody positives with 10.0 percent

“The spread is lower than we have thought but not a lot lower,” Chief Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell told a news conference.

What a fucking shock.

Nationwide seroprevalence was 6.1%. Private antibody testing offered to employees of certain corporations showed 14% seroprevalence in Stockholm, but that testing was non-random so that number is is subject to the usual selection biases. This is still well below the low-20s Tegnell predicted a month ago and miles below the 40% he was predicting circa April.

Sweden has had around 5,300 deaths now. Adjusting that to US population would give 170,000 deaths.

It’s laminated so I guess it’s real.


In yo face!


Ill be back in on puts but I have done pretty well over the past couple months dumping them when the dow gets close to 25k. Waiting for a bit of a bump and then I will be back in.

Stuff like this is what’s going to save our ass, not a vaccine, and not herd immunity. COVID sucks but isn’t a huge deal for society if we have effective treatments for it that reduce its mortality/impairment rate down a couple of orders of magnitude.

We’ll probably get a vaccine/herd immunity eventually, but expecting either to happen in the next 24 months is pretty unlikely IMO. Effective treatment on the other hand could be around the corner. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

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This is true. I told my college educated buddy yesterday about getting pulled over by the cops and his first question was “Why didn’t you just let them search your car?” FFS

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There should be -0- ways to skin a cat