EZ game. Max 4 day passes and you have to go straight to the airport/state line. That will at least get rid of the out of state cases before they increase the stats.

Sweet. I just got done two days ago ripping my buddy there for not wearing a mask. Sounds like he will go damn, Risky got to the governor, too?!

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The White House directed the National Institutes of Health to cancel funding for a project studying how coronaviruses spread from bats to people, the government’s top infectious disease expert said Tuesday.

“Why was it canceled? It was canceled because the NIH was told to cancel it,” said Anthony Fauci, director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in response to a question during a House Energy Commerce Hearing. "I don’t know the reason, but we were told to cancel it.”

Fauci later told POLITICO that the White House ordered NIH to cut the research grant to the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance.

We got him boys. Assuming we live long enough.



Following Dr. Fauci’s revelations Tuesday, EcoHealth President Peter Daszak tweeted that it was an “obvious case of political interference.”

“Eventually, we’ll all know the shoddy truth of how a conspiracy theory pushed by this administration led @NIHDirector to block the only US research group still working in China to analyze COVID origins,” he wrote. “Thanks to this China can now do the research, we can’t!”

Scientists, meanwhile, have roundly refuted claims that the WIV was the source of the new coronavirus, noting that natural spillover from animals is the most likely source.

In an April 18 comment to ScienceInsider, the WIV virologist working with EcoHealth— Shi Zhengli—also disputed the link, saying that “the closest progenitor of COVID-19 virus is still mysterious and it’s definitely not from my lab or any other labs… It’s a shame to make the science so complicated.”

Scientists also continue to express dismay at the apparent political interference. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) released a statement Wednesday saying that such orders to cancel funding “will undermine the integrity of science funding and public trust. We urge Congress to use its oversight authority to ensure that the integrity of government science agencies is not compromised.”

speak for yerself im a jeanyes.


I have convinced myself that of we had 100% compliance on mask wearing that the virus would be reduced to background level noise in just a few months and we could all mostly get on with our lives.

But Republicans…

So this will go on into the winter climate when the virus will spread more efficiently and mask wearing won’t be enough on its own to stop this thing from increased community spread and . wreaking the economy.


Time to go full blast. Even if you only get thru to 1 that may save a life and with it your genes may be more successful in passing to further generations.

Unless you think yourself your family’s DNA should disappear.

Plus you are right. Anyone predicting this thing with honest math and intention has said the same things we are saying here. No surprises. It transmits easily if we don’t distance and mask, especially indoors. Once it hits a vulnerable population it kills. And we aren’t smart enough so it will kill. The villages etc WILL be a slaughter. It’s just a matter of time.

Today I played golf for the first time this season. Seems like the nut quarantine activity. Rode my own cart. My 63 year old, fit dad walked (and shot a 79). Went inside to pay and get cart key with mask on. Considering I’m not going to the gym anytime soon, I may have to start walking 18 a couple times a week.

At the same time, my friend that was going to play with us had to back out because he had possible contact with a positive case at work (AF pilot). Of course, he and his wife and kid were at my parent’s lake cabin this weekend with my folks and my sister. He should know in a day or two and feels fine, but I’m not thrilled. I didn’t go to the lake with them after seeing the numbers spike in OK last week. Good thing I stayed home to hate watch the Nuremberg rally.


And it will just make the base and their new anti-vaxx nutjob wing hate liberals more. Sadopopulism.

I call BS. It’s impossible to play golf without a locker and a place to change indoors in close proximity to other humans.


I hope you aren’t including the science bros. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Somehow, I managed to change my shoes at my car. I didn’t even use the bathroom there.

A friend told me OK is #1 in the country for confirmed cases over the past two weeks (255% increase). I haven’t verified those numbers, but I can confirm that people here are done with the virus and have been for a while. Mask compliance is at an all time low.

Yup, pretty much.

I’m pretty much with you. If we just masked up and avoided crowded indoor spaces I am convinced that would get R to 1 or slightly below. The problem now is that has no chance of ever happening. 60% of the population is never masking up. Probably 35% sees no problem with cramming into bars and concerts. So we will get to live through the worst case scenario barring a miracle with a vaccine. If it is this bad in summer we have no real chance come fall with kids heading back to school let alone the winter which could be the real horror show.

The only upside I see is a complete OPEN FOR BUSINESS pre-election slaughter should seal Trump’s fate.


Fall is going to be a horror show.

The only possibly upside is at the rate we’re going we may be close to herd immunity by fall.

Brazil, UK, USA are the podium of bad leadership/not wanting to do what they’re told. The USA was just never going to accept following directions en masse. Making liberals mad is all the MAGA ppl have left. Even if it kills them.

We need what 150m minimum infected by fall? That may happen but if it does every single hospital in every metro will be full and there will be mass graves everywhere. It’s within the realm of possibility I suppose but damn that is grim.

I’m thinking I might as well live it up this summer because it might be better to catch it now anyway. And I’m not so sure that’s a stupid idea. Plenty of capacity in NH hospitals now but maybe not so much in a few months.