Right, a well fitting mask with multiple layers of cotton and one of the other materials gets you up into the high 90s, though.

Are Brazilians truly dumber or does the moron in charge just happen to have a tighter grip to force his idiotic will?

Bolsanaroā€™s approval rating is below Trumpā€™s

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Where does Riverman live in S.C.

Even if it was 5% effective fucking wear it. Itā€™s one of those small things that has zero downside with a big possible upside.

Plus the govt wonā€™t be able to tell who you are!


Good question, and I donā€™t know the answer. I have a lot of Brazilian friends and 90% of them are liberals who hate Bolsonaro.

Most of them are immigrants to the US with advanced degrees, so theyā€™re not really a good representation of the Brazilian population.

But we are social animals and canā€™t see people smile!

Their GDP per capita is 9k, +10% unemployment before covid and everyone is packed into major cities with no zoning laws so they all live on top of each other.

1.2 million people live in favelas in sao paulo


Houston is at 97 percent capacity of itā€™s ICU beds. Seems really fucking bad.

My uncle sent the entire family an e-mail today claiming that the Florida rise in cases is totally misleading and entirely due to increased testing. Just take a look at hospitalization rates, they are flat!!! (Except they arenā€™t, they are gradually increasing from 6/5). MSM is trying to tank the economy prior to the election!

Straight fromJHU data (I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen these particular graphs ITT but they are very good):

edit: added link Daily Testing Trends in Florida - Johns Hopkins

In summary, from June 21-23 Florida has generated about 18% fewer total tests as compared to May 21-23. These tests are showing about a 5x increase in positive test rate (from around 2.5% positive to 12%). Not great. But yea, itā€™s probably just more testing.

Your uncle is a dumbass and you should not hesitate to discontinue your relationship with him.


Heā€™s around 38. Possibly influenced by Rogan.

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Iā€™m on it!

Gov. Ron DeSantis acknowledged on Saturday that the rising number of new Covid-19 cases in Florida cannot be explained away by an increase in testing, and announced plans to step up enforcement of social distancing practices in bars and nightclubs.

ā€œEven with the testing increasing or being flat, the number of people testing positive is accelerating faster than that,ā€ DeSantis told reporters during a briefing at the state Capitol. ā€œYou know thatā€™s evidence that thereā€™s transmission within those communities.ā€

that was tough to find though it took a whole 4 minutes. understandable that your uncle is confused with all this misinformation. hey maybe he needs to show desantis his email. he could blow this coronavirus hoax open once and for all. this could be his judd hirsh in independance day moment he needs to storm the capitol right now and tell everyone the truth. he could be a hero.

The red states are all turning into NYC 2-3 months ago. Denial isnā€™t a strategy and it is going to get worse from here. We UPers arenā€™t that smart and we collectively called this. Itā€™s infuriating.


I think high level sports they hang out an hour before and after.

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Maybe Iā€™m just egotistical, but I think weā€™re pretty fucking smart. But yeah the fact that this was so easy to call and yet so poorly handled is maddening.


They havenā€™t in European soccer. While there are fears of how well they will implement it, the European soccer leagues have much less stringent policies than the north American leagues plan to have. Soccer has been successfully playing competitive games for over a month now. Increased rates of injuries have been a concern, COVID has not been.

There is no bubble there, there are travel to games, testing isnā€™t every day. Players can see their families. If it fails its on the attitudes of the players, as with the NWSL player who went to a bar in Orlando then infected half her team.

I estimate the total effect is probably in the 70-80 % range. This takes into effect a high compliance but not the most effective fit. Itā€™s more of an educated guess than a real calc. Itā€™s 50 out 50 in but Iā€™m assuming the out is above 50 and the in is below 50 but the product is about the same.

Nothing wrong with taking profits. Especially in this insane market. But now that you mention it futures are pointing lowerā€¦