Where in S.C. you living?

Thus study says that masks reduce virus transmission in breath that passes through them under laboratory conditions by 50-98%. It also says poorly fitting masks reduce efficiency by up to 50%.

It also matters because if people get the Flu at the same time as Covid that is really bad.

lmao this friend just texted a group chat and said 1 positive and 2 presumed cases at his office of 50 people. ā€œthe exact people youā€™d expect. dumb mother fuckers who donā€™t wash their handsā€. i havenā€™t heard of anyone i know being this exposed up until now.

That seems unlikely, for example its super rare to get flu and cold at the same time. Being sick ramps up immune response so new viruses canā€™t take hold

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Disneyland has postponed itā€™s reopening indefinitely.


wait, but disney world is still planning on opening soon in florida? lol

Nevada now requiring masks. I canā€™t wait to hear my sister and her ice climbing boyfriend complain. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Serious question. Is there going to be actual enforcement of the mask thing? Because if not it is pointless. Will it just be like the Texas beauty salons?

Must be a dedicated ice climber living in Nevada.


Weā€™re going to have to shut down again. GOP wont do stimulus, states canā€™t. Epic shit show incoming. Stonks will still go up somehow.


Well, if COVID19 is seasonal (like other coronaviruses are) then the winter will boost COVID19 cases in addition to the problem of more people needing an ICU for the flu.

We laugh at florida but california had 7k new cases today. Without enforcement of the mask mandate, weā€™re just as fucked.


I suppose that may be true. It is a little hard to tell if Covid is seasonal right now as 80% of the country is cosplaying as an extra in a Girls Gone Wild episode. If it is seasonal we are all truly fucked beyond repair come November.

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I sold all my puts today anticipating the ONLY TWO MILLION NEW UNEMPLOYED? NEW RECORD!!! headlines and subsequent pump tomorrow. So i am sure it will go straight down from here.


Thereā€™s no way itā€™s actually going to reopen. The parks are supposed to start reopening on July 11th. At this rate by then the hospitals in Orlando are likely going to be overwhelmed.

Californiaā€™s positive test percentage rate and overall positive rate adjusted for population is nowhere near as bad as Florida.


We truly are the dumbest country.
Edit: looks like daily deaths are leveling out after weeks of falling. Fully expecting that to start marching skyward next week

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Not yet

Brazil says hold my beer.