I was hoping the New York quarantine order would focus on Florida.

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SC just demolished the prior record high by 25%. But not all bad news:

-Hospitalizations were essentially flat after a massive uptick yesterday (still enough combined to represent a trend upward but mitigates yesterday’s horrific report)

-deaths still low

-much of the increase was due to testing, as the positive percentage actually dropped slightly from the past few days

this is amazing.

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Do we have an update on how effective masks are? I was under the impression that the success for non N95s was around 50%.

I heard that the masks are literally killing people.


That CNN anchor is really good, she’s been disgustedly clowning deplorables daily and is quite good at it.

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Still drawing live for 40k. I told my friend we’d hit 50k 7day rolling average by July 4th weekend he thought I was crazy, now it’s looking like we may be there even before that

I loved that first woman on SNL.


Ok senator, calm down already. Jeez.

This is a colostomy!

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We’re at phase 3 here now. Mask wearing is quite low and casinos/escape rooms and those kind of non essential leisure areas are able to be open. 15 active cases in the province so we have uptick a little, but the recent ones are from travelers.

I’ve gone to a restaurant and golfed, don’t think ill do too much else still yet.

Oops. It was a surprise ending for me when it was about Brazil, not ‘Merica.


Seahawks will crush if that happens. Team is usually unstoppable on the hurry up offense.

50% is better than 0% last I checked.

33k with some large texas counties, la and a couple states. If we don’t hit 40k it will be 39k+, a new record. And the states going pure exponential right now are literally all doing nothing. Insanity.

Of course it is. I wear a mask whenever I’m around people*

*except for outdoor dining after the food comes.

Far too often Covid precautions are sold as all or nothing and it really bothers me. I know you weren’t doing that but even if masks are 50% effective that is huge. We all spend tons of time arguing about the most recent remisdivir study on whether it means 0 or 10% effectiveness when the most obvious fixes are much easier and better and yet your average person refuses. It’s beyond fucked here in USA #1.