Yup lol sports. Easiest sport and they can’t do it.

What about the hotel staff? Course volunteers? Security? The list goes on and on.

Governor Ned Lamont of Connecticut, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, and Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey today announced a joint incoming travel advisory that all individuals traveling from states with significant community spread of COVID-19 self-quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state.

This self-quarantine – effective 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 – applies to any person arriving from a state with a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents or a state with a 10 percent or higher positivity rate over a 7-day rolling average.

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The Y sent an email last week that they were going to open up first week of July and today they were like butnahhh.

Oh I agree totally. There’s way better and likelier easier protocols that could have been put in place like you said. I mean they let Watney come to the course last week with symptoms showing instead of having an SOP in place that if you’re not feeling well, don’t come to work.

Why the heck do golfers need a locker room?

Right - but none of these people need to be making out with golfers or caddies. Wear masks, use precautions, limit exposure - just like everything else right now.

To swap locker talk about how best to assault women?




Because even they can’t bear to be seen in public wearing clothes like those?

Imagine having to change out of your golf cleats outside like a fucking animal.


Not my area, but isn’t this always true? Anyway, this graph is for a test with a sensitivity of 99% and specificity of 99.6%. I think these values are ~typical for this kind of test. Currently, the prevalence in the US population is ~.7% so the positive predictive value of this test is about 64%.

The curves would be symmetrical if the sensitivity and specificity were equal. If the result is negative, you can be confident you haven’t been infected.

About 300 people will have the vaccine over the coming weeks, as part of a trial led by Prof Robin Shattock and his colleagues, at Imperial College London.

Tests in animals suggest the vaccine is safe and triggers an effective immune response.

Experts at Oxford University have already started human trials.

The trials are among many across the world - there are around 120 vaccine programmes under way.

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If we use the SIR model and we assume the reproductive number R is strictly greater than one, then the number of infected peaks when the susceptible population equals


where N is the total population. Equivalently, this happens when the total population that has been infected at some point equals

N (1-1/R).

For instance, if R = 2, then the number of infected (but not yet recovered/died) peaks when half the population has had the virus.

thank you, my hockey team is pondering what will happen and how to go about playing if possible in the Winter and the main concern was of course the locker room rather than the bench or on ice stuff. We came to the consensus that if we couldn’t stuff 3 people into a 2 person shower afterward then the game wasn’t worth playing.

Ha. You’re joking but at one club I got invited to play before I went I was told not to change my shoes in the lot and to come into the clubhouse. I’ve also play RiverHighlands where the tour is this week but they were totally fine with the shoes in the parking lot. I love golf but got damn does the pretentiousness suck.

And even hockey is different because it’s pretty weird to drive home wearing all that gear.

These are my thoughts, exactly.

How can any state claim to be on the way to herd immunity without large walls preventing any travel in / out?

Also ignores all recent studies showing anti-bodies aren’t a thing for much more than 3 months anyway

Loving suzzers rants on locker room. NBA and MLB are going to be a complete disaster. A buddy asked me if I wanted in on a fantasy baseball league and I just laughed, good luck trying to handlebypur roster when players are testing positive right and left

Virus exploits poor government, says WHO emergency chief

The outbreak in the Americas has not yet peaked, with an increase in cases of between 25% and 50% in the last week, the head of health emergencies for the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Mike Ryan, has said.

Dr Ryan said the virus exploited “weak health systems” and “poor government”, and said that for governments to understand how to tackle the outbreak, they needed to look at the actions of countries which had succeeded in suppressing transmission.


US states impose 14-day quarantine for visitors

The US states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will require visitors from Covid-19 hotspots elsewhere in the country to quarantine for 14 days, officials have said.

The governors of the three north-eastern states - once coronavirus hotspots themselves - announced the joint travel advisory today.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said he did not want visitors from other states bringing Covid-19 in with them, because “we worked very hard to get the viral transmission down”.

The quarantine rule will apply to visitors from states where 10% of the population is infected with Covid-19 on a seven-day rolling average, Mr Cuomo said.

Nine states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, Utah and Texas, currently meet that high infection rate threshold.

The quarantine will come into effect on Thursday.

With more than 31,000 deaths and 412,000 cases to date, New York was the epicentre of the pandemic at one stage, but now other southern and western states are seeing a rise in infections.