In Dante’s Inferno, the Ninth Circle of Hell has a frozen lake where sinners are trapped in the ice, so you can compare it to that the next time you tell someone the story of how bad it was.


Coming from where to LV?

Like 800 venemous animals in Australia, but sure, go with a blimp accident!

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Pretty sure most of this was itt already, but a good summary and highlight.

The preponderance of evidence is that this thing already has spun out one nastier mutant since the cycle began. Don’t bet against another. Absolutely zero sign of it slowing down or going away. Pretty much the rate of spread has been solely determined by people’s behavior. Time indoors around others wo masks. That’s pretty much it. Bring back the office, mass commuting, and crowds with poor mask compliance and we have March all over again.

The strength of the binding to the receptor is remarkable. If anything we are lucky that healthy people w intact immune systems fend this thing off so well. That’s the mutation I’m worried about, something that cause disease in a wider population. I’m still very worried about the latent effects and we will see secondary morbidities, maybe even among the asymptomatics.

US at least seems to be pursuing a vaccine strategy that emphasizes new tech not proven and multiple flavors of it vs diversifying to include some proven vaccine tech. Thankfully the rest of the world is not as stupid though we may be risking being at the back of the line.


If that’s the bar, I’d hate to see the country tripping over it.


This chart is wrong on S.C. our positive rate is skyrocketing. 9% a week ago 16+% the past two days. Pre Memorial Day it was 4%


Don’t think this has been shared yet

The city’s program has so far been limited by a low response rate, scant use of technology, privacy concerns and a far less sweeping mandate than that in some other countries, where apartment buildings, stores, restaurants and other private businesses are often required to collect visitors’ personal information, which makes tracking the spread easier.

There is a person posting some great data analysis on Reddit that I think some people here would enjoy:

COVID-19 Update - June 19, 2020: COVID-19 Update - June 19, 2020 : LosAngeles

Are things as bad in Arizona as the headlines claim?:

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Screw a row house. Habitat 67 is where it’s at.


Terrible location tho.

Totally expected Yahoo Serious to be Yahoo’s long forgotten mid 2000s attempt to compete with and eharmony. Before eventually getting bought out by google+.

So it seems studies are finding that CV-19 antibodies don’t last more than a few months, but CV-19 specific T-cells may be found in high percentages of people who have recovered.

Anybody want to take a stab at what this might mean? Could people be vulnerable to re-infection but less likely to have a bad result? Could T-cells alone prevent re-infection in the absence of antibodies? Or can we not make any general conclusions at this point?

Wait. But not encouraging overall.

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Okay all, my 68-year-old mother started with a headache, fever and body aches on Tuesday, has had a middling to low fever all the way to this morning and started having digestive issues last night and into this morning. Obviously I can’t say for sure what she’s got but am I correct in thinking there’s nothing about her symptoms that one could point toward to rule out Covid 19?

No way to know for sure but just remember, there are a lot of illnesses circulating at any one given time. Chances are always in your favor that it is something other than Covid, just based on the sheer number of things that it could be. I live in NY, I knew a ton of people that got really sick around March/April with things that seemed like COVID but we had no testing for. Now we’ve got antibody testing and basically all of them tested negative for the antibodies.

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What jman said, but she should definitely get tested. There are treatments that are more effective early if they are available at your local hospital.


First pic: “Well, it’s unconventional, but I don’t totally hate it.”
Second pic: “Holy fuck it’s hideous.”


I hoped to talk her into it Friday but she decided against it. My dad is 73, 320 pounds and has AFib and doesn’t want to hear it when I suggest anything. Then my uncle, who is a doctor in his 60s, came down and stayed overnight with them. He said he didn’t think it was Covid but here I am apparently crazy for thinking he should have stayed away because he couldn’t rule it out.

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This is exactly why I’ve never been that hot on hardcore contract tracing here. Americans can’t even get behind wearing masks at Costco. They’re never going to get behind forced contract tracing.