Or the fake US-Vietnam fiancee visa - except to GTFO out of the US instead of the other way around.

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I think Iā€™ve skied those. For real.

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Yeah under normal circumstances my friend would be going to NZ to ski, snow coverage on the Australian Alps is, uh, not very reliable. The resorts there all have extensive snowmaking machinery but even with that, some seasons are writeoffs. Itā€™s late June and thereā€™s pretty much zero natural snow base there now. I canā€™t imagine they will survive much longer in the face of climate change.

If youā€™re willing to finance one of those fugly row houses in Montreal close to a metro stop Iā€™ll put a ring on it. Iā€™ll take the crappy basement apartment and you can have the rest. Iā€™m a man of simple needs.

Fuck Canada. Iā€™ve been there. Also Iā€™ve had a DUI which means I think I can never emigrate there and they barely tolerate me as a tourist. Find me a place outside US/Canada.

Can you forge documents showing that my grandfather only became a US citizen after my father was born? Thatā€™d give me a claim to Italy and the entire EU. Iā€™d snap marry you for that.

I have been told, by some random dude in Italy, that as a direct male heir (4th generation) I should get some of my familyā€™s property. They own hotels and restaurants in Positano. I have not pressed the issue. But maybe I could get dual citizenship out of it.

Might help if I speak more than a dozen words of Italian. But now that I know Spanish I bet I have a lot of it.

This hotel was originally my great-great-grandfather, Clementeā€™s house. His portrait hangs in the lobby. My dadā€™s dadā€™s name was Clemente. My middle name is Clemente, per Italian tradition of naming the grandson after the grandfather. There are multiple Clementes running the show in Positano. They all call me Clemente when I go visit. US passport showing middle name was helpful.

Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that Australia isnā€™t real. Itā€™s just a figment of your fevered imaginations. Actual reasonable pandemic policy? Come on, you poor bastards.

idk anything about property claims, but my understanding of citizenship through (male) offspring is ~infinite generations so long as the (male) parent still retained Italian citizenship at the time of the childā€™s birth.

Never bothered spending the effort to investigate my own grandfather since it seems extremely unlikely heā€™d have not become a US citizen at some point during or prior to WWII.

Itā€™s so bizarre to me that a major city choose to adopt those goofy, hideous and impractical stairs for the majority of its housing. I justā€¦ seriously, why? Thatā€™s the best they could come up with?

For some reason places for rent in LA often donā€™t have fridges. But they usually have ovens. Ovens really arenā€™t that heavy, but dealing with gas lines is a giant PITA obviously.

Suzzer, if you have a grandparent born in Ireland, you can get an Irish citizenship

Oh, so since my grandfather was born in the US and never retained citizenship Iā€™m probably out?

Damn you random dude in Italy in 2002!

Our Irish heritage goes back farther than that. I might be 6th generation Irish or something. My momā€™s side came from KS farmers going back to the late 1800s.

My Dad grew up in Queens - half Scottish, half Italian. I guess all of his grandparents came over on the boat, but neither of his parents.

Also Scottish, German and English in there somewhere. But only Italian is direct male line (and last name).

My motherā€™s Irish (and maybe Scottish) ancestry is lost. A local church where her parents were from burned, destroying all the records. Her father once created a family tree which was clearly a bunch of made up nonsense, because thatā€™s the sort of thing he thought was funny to do. Iā€™m pretty sure that side of my family descends from a criminals who fled the British isles to escape prosecution.

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Could be similar here. My momā€™s motherā€™s mother had to be confined to a looney bin, and my momā€™s fatherā€™s father, who looks a ton like me, apparently beat his wife and kids. But then again this was the 20s or w/e - so it was free rein on that. The story is he was a rail-yard worker who died in some accident and the whole family was happy about it.

But my momā€™s motherā€™s father and her fatherā€™s mother lived to ripe old age and I have very fond memories of them as a kid.

Thereā€™s got to be at least one guy somewhere whose parents couldnā€™t decide between the names Corey and David and ended up compromising on Covid.


Damn, Iā€™m Nebraskan and never even heard of them. I do know thereā€™s a Prague, Nebraska though. It has about 4 streets total.

I stayed in one of those basement apartments over a Winter in MontrĆ©al. It was a hell (or whatever the opposite of hell is temp.-wise) I wouldnā€™t wish on my worst enemy.

Iā€™ve driven through Nebraska on the way to Las Vegas. Is there anything worth stopping for along I-80?