The covid thread has fallen off the front page of chiefsplanet for the first time. I guess it’s over.

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They could be right if some of the worst-case projections play out.

So you’ll be here soon enough… :smiling_face:

Dam… Post needs the photo :point_up_2: And my access is restricted :confused: Sad.

Yeah that’s about a mile from me. Slightly opposite of my gym - completely packed, no masks.

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Latest update from here in AZ: the university medical center in town is full up on ventilators and trying to transfer patients to other hospitals including mine. Meanwhile our governor is completely unapologetic and told people we have to “learn to live with the virus.” I guess a recall at this point is unrealistic, though. Maybe the best we can hope for is sinking Trump in this state.


Fuck man that is terrible.

June 6 was 45

Weirdly, there doesn’t seem to be an official New York state website that posts the history of daily deaths. This site has cumulative fatalities for the state and by county.

So I guess if someone tracked that over time, they would have a history of daily deaths. There are several other interesting data series that show up in the Cuomo press briefings and nowhere else.

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Place (Data: Testing % Increase Week 3 (5/31-6/6) to Week 4 (6/7-6/13) Case % Increase Week 3 (5/31-6/6) to Week 4 (6/7-6/13)
Alaska -35.3% 13.6%
Alabama 29.8% 41.1%
Arkansas 0.0% 14.6%
Arizona 3.8% 31.2%
California -0.9% 2.5%
Colorado -13.4% -39.7%
Connecticut 0.2% -34.5%
DC 14.0% -20.3%
Delaware 33.4% -9.2%
Florida 8.7% 32.1%
Georgia 11.5% 8.5%
Hawaii 27.1% From Week 2 (-757 tests done in week 3) 64.3%
Iowa 1.7% 0.2%
Idaho -24.4% -21.4%
Illinois 1.9% -26.7%
Indiana 4.6% -8.6%
Kansas -17.1% -3.0%
Kentucky 10.2% -36.5%
Louisiana 22.4% 23.4%
Massachusetts -5.1% -66.9%
Maryland -19.0% -30.1%
Maine 0.7% -3.7%
Michigan -38.1% -83.9%
Minnesota -18.1% -3.0%
Missouri -11.0% -7.6%
Mississippi -23.6% 40.3%
Montana 33.6% 27.1%
North Carolina 18.5% 13.7%
North Dakota -11.5% -7.6%
Nebraska -9.2% -34.3%
New Hampshire -33.9% -56.0%
New Jersey -8.8% -36.7%
New Mexico -15.8% -27.6%
Nevada -0.4% 35.1%
New York 0.6% -30.6%
Ohio 4.7% -11.0%
Oklahoma -12.8% 45.3%
Oregon 3.3% 33.3%
Pennsylvania 1.8% -25.0%
Puerto Rico -35.3% -35.3%
Rhode Island 1.7% -18.6%
South Carolina -74.6% 54.3%
South Dakota -27.7% 12.7%
Tennessee 41.4% -1.0%
Texas -16.5% -0.7%
Utah 9.4% -3.6%
Virginia 26.2% -22.7%
Vermont 24.7% 12.7%
Washington 13.0% 11.8%
Wisconsin 1.7% -16.8%
West Virginia 22.3% -18.5%
Wyoming 2.7% 63.1%

Ohioans have been too focused on the singular task of ousting that mean lady working with Soros to spread myths about this minor flu. Now they will shift their focus to Starting to Open for Business And Then Seeking Herd ImmuniTy.


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Have any conclusions? Or did you just think we didn’t have access to public data?

That can’t be right. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen old Greek and Roman coins in museums and such.

Edit: I probably need some money for a better pony.

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Internet porn


By the way I remain convinced the plan in many GOP governors’ states is not YOLO, it’s not let it run, it’s light it on fire so it’s over quicker. Remember, totally unmitigated, herd immunity can be hit within a couple months.

If you’re a monster who only cares about your corporate overlords wallets and Team Red in November, you may think having this thing over in August with no mitigation harming the economy and extending the suffering into the fall.

So you want more spread, not less. So you say masks don’t work. You say it’s the flu. You say hospitals have plenty of room. You fudge some numbers. You ease business guidelines to slow the spread.

The real kick in the ass is that you don’t even realize you’re gambling on herd immunity being a thing, and a thing that lasts til early next year.

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As long as cities get hit harder than the sticks, the GOP doesn’t care. They will happily accept 10 million dead if 90% come from liberal areas.

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Report from rural Ohio.

Covid has finally hit my small town pretty hard. A local nursing home is being ravaged. Despite this, a bunch of Karen’s in town have decided now is the time to start a movement against masks in schools this fall, complete with a petition, yard signs and #mykidsmychoice. And it’s catching on.


The answer the the Fermi Paradox is so obviously I can’t believe a bunch of smart people didn’t realize it. It’s simply that space is too big. Like of course there is intelligent life out there but it’s probably thousands+ of light years away and folding space or whatever they show in scifi films isn’t possible.

These college athletes need to use their collective power.


VR indistinguishable from IRL however will signify that humanity is moments away from entering the Fermi Paradox