Looking now and even excluding currencies imposed by foreign rule England alone had 1p pieces from 757AD.

I think he means bank notes and similar, as opposed to coinage.

Back to the printing press.

Like that fucktwit or Trump have anything to do with it.

that said Iā€™m pretty disappointed in blue states. I guess they just figure with zero federal help there is no choice but to ride it out?

Air Conditioning is a very underated achievement for mankind. Cities like Vegas would be practically non-existent. Hell, the southern states would have half the population they have.




In ancient Ireland they had a unit of currency called the ā€œcumalā€ or ā€œbondmaidā€. It was the price for a woman. (to own, not rent)

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Source for these charts

ā€œachievementā€ then

This is a great book on the history of zero.


Effective, safe, widely available birth control seems like an important development. As ex said, it should rain from the sky.


Is this series missing June 6, or did I miss it somehow?

Thanks for posting them.

So 84% of people think Covid is or might be the most significant event of their lifetime. Pretty wild.

Yeah Iā€™m not sure what this means:

ā€œNot the least surprising of this economic system [the Inkas] was that is functioned without money. True, the lack of currency ddi not surprise the Spanish invaders ā€“ much of Europe did without money until the eighteenth century. But the Inka did not even have markets.ā€

Maybe he means most of the commoners in Europe just bartered stuff w/o currency?

How many people even knew about the Spanish Flu before covid?

This is actually more true of both the early and late space program than the Apollo era. The military had moved on from liquid-fueled ICBMs by the time Saturn was developed, and obviously the technologies for long-term human survival in space, powered landings, orbital rendezvous, deep space communications, etc., are not very useful for missiles. Shuttle had a lot more military value than Apollo did.

I donā€™t follow your point.

Meaning that in 20 or 40 years the people who think covid is the most significant event of their lifetime might have a different opinion.

Oh yeah that year we all had to work from home and stay inside. Yeah that sucked.

Millions dead worldwide was always going to be a pretty big event.