500 years from now landing on the moon in ancient tech will probably be about as quaint as the model T?

Powered transportation was a significant advance.

No doubt but 500 years ago as far as we had gotten was sailing wooden boats. 500 years from now no one is going to be celebrating the moon landing. Or at least I hope not or we will really be in the idiocracy timeline.

Human civilization may not exist 500 years from now because of technology developed under the guise of the space race.


Thatā€™s why I qualified it with ā€œifā€.

Fire has caused a ton of destruction in its day as well. As did farming, which led to city-states, which led to war.

If you had footage of the first time a human invented written language, or art, or harnessed fire - that would still be pretty damn cool eons later. Itā€™s a major milestone.

Weā€™ve never been to the moon.

Fuck off.


Im really not trying to be a dick but landing a spacecraft on the moon is not remotely in the same category of those other things. It is quite an engineering feat but the actual benefit of doing it is little more than a novelty.

Meanwhile language, art and fire are kind of things that advanced us as a species. It isnā€™t clear at all the moon landing did that and as jwax pointed out it might actually be the opposite.


A society that stops exploring is a society that isnā€™t advancing imo.

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Maybe not celebrate but we definitely acknowledge the invention of the printing press.

Stuff like printing press Iā€™d put as a minor milestone - like if there are 10 major headings and maybe 5x as many subheadings.

Do you really think the impact of the moon landing on the human race is equivalent to the printing press. Because I donā€™t. Explain how we would be worse off had we never been to the moon?

Landing on the moon was an incredible technological feat. Itā€™s a testament to the achievements the human race is capable of. If only we treated the slower moving existential threats (climate change, future pandemics, etc.) with the same singular focus we addressed the possibility of Soviets having ICBMs firstā€¦

Maybe thatā€™s the answer to the Fermi Paradox / Great Filter. No intelligent life can ever progress to the point of galactic colonization because they always destroy themselves first.

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I donā€™t see how written language can be on there and not the printing press.

Weā€™d never have this shot, which had a visceral impact of how small and fragile our existence on this planet really is, and arguably has had a gigantic impact on the environmental movement.

Yeah, Iā€™m saying that stuff is also ICBM technology. Maybe Tang and freeze dried ice cream donā€™t count for much, but military advantage has always been a driver of innovation.


It canā€™t be explained yet, but the aim is clearly to go much further and eventually colonise other moons/planets, and if that happens theyā€™ll certainly celebrate the lunar landings.

You forgot

  1. Elite memes
  2. Preloaded links/images on internet forums
  3. 5g-based infectious diseases
  4. Home-port video games indistinguishable from or superior to arcades
  5. Cricket