If civilization survives another 500 years - no one will remember 9/11 (well kids will have to learn it then forget it for a test maybe) or the financial crisis.

An entire generation of boomers got brainwashed to believe we were exceptional because we landed on a rock while ignoring all of the atrocities committed at home and abroad. So ya I would say the moon landing had a big impact.


The space race in general was some A+ propaganda to get Americans on board with spending an absurd amount of money on ICBMs. Funny how few boomers realize their beloved 60s era NASA was just developing technology to refine USA#1ā€™s ability to inflict mass murder anywhere anytime.


Walking on another celestial object is still a major milestone in the advancement in the technological advancement of civilization.


If it ever happenedā€¦ :flushed::flushed::flushed:


Buzz Aldrin held it together pretty well for a geezer there.

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lol I forgot all about Ali G. What a legend.


And Russia beat us every step of the way until the moon.

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Bunch of communist moon haters ITT.

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You could make this argument about other technology too. Computers. The internet. GPS. Robotics. Displays. Sensors.

Thereā€™s a little 30 minute mini doc on Netflix about the space race. Russians were first at EVERYTHING. Then bink!


Sure. But the space program was allocated enormous sums of money strictly on the basis of developing ICBM technology and USA#1 propaganda. Wasnā€™t a curious byproduct of all that spending.

Just give yourself godlike powers and you can track every planet in the universe with intelligent life. What are your major milestones?

  1. Language
  2. Tools
  3. Controlling Fire (assuming it works in another atmosphere)
  4. Farming - which leads to cities
  5. Written language
  6. Harnessing electricity
  7. Venturing out off your own planet/walking on another object
  8. ??? True artificial intelligence ???

Donā€™t hate just because I got to watch one of those things when I was like 4 months old.

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Thereā€™s a decent series on AppleTV+ called For All Mankind where they try to imagine an alternate history where the USSR is not only first to the moon, but also the first to put a woman up there (which they of course use to troll USA#1 on gender equity issues). Not a perfect show, but definitely an interesting thought experiment.

Maths needs to be near the top.

Art missing too.

I agree.

Moon landing was a very cool event. But there is a reason boomers fetishize it. A lot of dark shit went down within like 10 years of the moon landing and it is easy to just ignore all that, play the JFK we will put a man on the moon audio and ignore the fact they tuned out all of the other issues we are still dealing with now. Rampant inequality, racism and imperialism at the expense of millions of foreign lives.


My point is that 500 years from now this is all office politics that no one cares about.