yeah crap I forgot about quesadillas. I guess the burrito and enchilada are always coming with flour as well but I think when you’re talking tacos the corn is superior, it just seems to hold up way better

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  • Covid is the most significant event of my lifetime
  • No
  • Maybe

0 voters

Time will tell. For now I still have 9/11 or the advent of the internet as top contenders.


It’s really stark how differently this is playing out here in Alberta. Our face of covid news has become a celebrity and is one of the most trusted people in the news.

We are down to 350 cases in the whole province.


As someone who had to graduate from college into the economy left behind after the financial crisis, I still think that’s #1, but this is close. Really COVID has convinced me that I am part of a cursed generation, doomed to never make enough money to live as comfortably as past generations.

I assume both events will be eclipsed later in my lifetime by some climate-change-driven nightmare.


As someone who regularly goes hiking through mosquito infested swamps in south Florida and gets eaten alive by them, this brings me comfort.

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This is really well done and powerful.


See I told everyone there were hidden messages in Pokémon digiball, etc and that the youngin’s were going to rise up and wipe out the olds! I just didn’t realize that it was going to be a virus.

Alabama over 1,000 cases for the first time. On a Sunday which is typically the low point for the stats each week.

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Despite the seemingly rosy picture presented in the initial paragraphs (70% of epidemiologists would send their kids to school by Fall), reading through some of the responses presents a much bleaker picture. My kid is very eager to go back to school, but I don’t think that’s going to happen until a vaccine :(

Yeah, the internet is a possible contender. I can’t think of much else.

NY stable to declining

Daily confirmed COVID hospital and nursing home deaths since peak (from Cuomo press conference)
April 8: 799

May 1: 299

June 1: 58

June 7: 39
June 8: 46
June 9: 53
June 10: 36
June 11: 42
June 12: 32
June 13: 23


Wife’s a teacher. We would have serious discussions of her quitting if she has to go back to a classroom of 31 children.

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I got moon landing lol you youngs.

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Fake shit don’t count Boomer.


This may lead to unilateral change. Once the inequality becomes so blatant that there is no middle class anymore, it will be really hard to keep the masses placated.

Even if they half the class size to 15 (sounds like the plan where I am) you are going to have masks strapped under chins half way to first recess. LOL at keeping a bunch of 5 year olds (or even 15 year olds) 6 feet apart. It’s going to be a mess.

Moon landing was super cool but not very significant, imo. Did anyone’s life change as a result?

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