So I was filling up my car at a gas station today. I peek inside and see a line of adults all without masks. Then see a 10 year old enter the store and put on his mask while he is entering. Really thought it captured the moment as a country.


Fear of second wave in Beijing after market outbreak

An outbreak of coronavirus emanating from a large wholesale market in Beijing has led to fears of a second waves of sickness in the Chinese capital.

More than 10,000 staff at the Xinfadi wholesale market are now being tested.

The huge market, which supplies 80% of Beijing’s vegetables and meat, has been linked to a new cluster of cases in the city after dozens of people who work there tested positive.

According to officials, traces of the coronavirus have been found on a chopping block used for imported salmon.

Footage on social media appears to show hundreds of military police marching into Xinfadi Market.

Some neighbourhoods have again been sealed off to all but residents. Transport services and schools close to the market have been closed, as have some of Beijing’s most prominent public spaces, including the National Centre for the Performing Arts and the Lama Temple.

The surrounding neighbourhood has been sealed off and transport services closed.

To be clear, this market is a standard food market and isn’t similar to Wuhan’s exotic meat markets. Outbreaks are likely to occur in markets because, unlike in the west, they’re the major gathering places for people.

If the advertised timeline was 12-18 months and we are 3 months in so 9-15 now.

And this guys point is? It’s kind of what we are counting on already.


I have run into this as well. My grocery store has plenty of tortilla chips even when there are no corn tortillas. Note that many delicious tacos are equally delicious as nachos.

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~17 seconds in she realizes someone filmed her being a fucking monster and her eyes bulge out of her head.


And that little head droop at the end. Perfect. Has she been ID’d yet?

Didn’t realize diarrhea was a COVID symptom.


Yeah, her name and employer are all over the internet now. She’s screwed.

lol she studied social and behavioral sciences at NYU


Hitting up a brewery patio today (if it’s mostly empty). Ordering through an app and putting a mask on when they drop it off at a table. We’ll see how comfortable we feel with the situation and then reevaluate.

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LOL FLORIDA. 2580 new cases today. 3 straight days of record highs. 1700—>>1900—>>>2580.


Are you sure she didn’t study at the NYPD, not NYU?


That woman. My god. What the hell is wrong with people?

She works for a health care company!!!

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Where in central PA is this?

Please take off your mask




Idk man. It says Nevada currently has 461 deaths that will only increase to 1,079 by October 1, while it says Midwest states like Missouri will go from 881 to 2,877.

That seems wrong to me, but I defer to you if you’ll help me understand the disparity. Just seems whack for those numbers to not show a predicted explosion in Nevada.

Most of the people coming to Vegas are tourists and will go home and take their Covid stats with them.


Wonder if it’s because most deaths from Nevada will be tourists and not attributed to Nevada?

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That’s what I was thinking at first… But Nevada has a huge resident population. They are not transient or tourists. (Was one for a while)

So I am still skeptical deaths in Nevada will not contribute to mass infection and deaths in Nevada as well as people returning home.

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A lot of American adults (the white ones) have never been told “no”. And they are completely unable to process it or deal with it. That’s why these insane videos keep popping up with adults acting like toddlers. They basically are toddlers in terms of maturity.