Don’t get me wrong I think the numbers in Nevada will be much worse than that projection. But the actual amount of people infected and killed by Vegas will be higher than what Nevada stats ever show.

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Alabama with a new record high today of 892. I think at this point we have enough data to see that these states hitting new record after new record are a trend not just some noise in the data. Texas, Cali, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Arkansas, Arizona, and North Carolina are all setting new records multiple times a week at this point.

I will be very surprised if we don’t see the new case numbers as a country trend into the 30k+/day range within the next couple weeks. And that is with all the originally hardest hit states compiling maybe 10% of their case numbers from their cumulative peak. Those states are all reopening as well and will be rejoining the party over the next couple of months.

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Generally you don’t have 100 teams working on a vaccine, you have 1. So if things don’t go perfectly, that timeline is shot. Ebola vaccine took closer to 6 years with multiple teams worldwide working on it.

Again the parallel efforts and starting manufacture before trials and approval have been baked in since March. I don’t see how this guy said anything novel.

It’s worth it say it many times. But this seems to pass It off like something he just thought of- kind of like Trump realizing Lincoln was a republican.

Months away for Canadians, not Americans. If we sneak up to Canada will you vaccinate us?

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The thing about Las Vegas is despite the horrible casino vids, it is one of the most spread out metro areas, there was already a preeexisting culture in the casinos to wipe everything down, the people live far apart and there aren’t a ton of social areas, the conditions are good. I thought we were in for it when there were three cases in casinos back in March but it never happened


Most of the people saying a vaccine in the very optimistic time frames were not specialists in that area.

I guess running somewhat contrary to the “LA county is a shitshow” narrative is the fact that they are testing a lot, and have a pretty respectable test positivity rate:

Also falling hospitalizations. I hadn’t really noticed the increase in testing, as I’ve mostly been looking at Santa Clara county rather than statewide, and testing in the county hasn’t gone up all that much.


Yeah these people run amazing.

yep, not looking good here in AL.

What’s behind the increase in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations:
If you look at the timing, it looks like this may be related to Memorial Day. So by Memorial Day we were all completely opened up and we had a lot of fatigue in terms of being under quarantine. And so once the state opened up and loosened a lot the restrictions, we got together, had vacations, restaurants have opened up, bars have opened up. Because of that close connection with other people, being within six feet and potentially not wearing masks … that may be driving our numbers and our cases.

Hospital capacity limited:
As a state we still do have some capacity. But if you think about where the issues are, so for instance, in Montgomery with their capacity, it’s very difficult to take care of those large number of patients. One of the things that we would be concerned about would be your ventilators … At UAB we have capacity to take care of more patients with COVID-19, but that also requires coordination. We’d need to transfer patients from other areas to be able to care for them. At the current rate that we’re seeing an increase in number of cases, we will not have enough ventilators to care for the people that need ventilators. We will not have enough hospitalized beds, and that can lead to an increase in mortality.

Why the hospitalization rate is a reliable indicator:
The hospitalization rate allows us to realize that it’s more than just an increase in our testing capacity. So as we’ve seen an increase in the number of cases, I’ve heard pretty consistently, ‘Well, we’re also doing more tests and maybe that’s why we’re identifying more people.’ But if you are identifying more people, then potentially the hospitalization numbers shouldn’t really go up. But as we’ve seen the hospitalizations are consistently going up and that’s where we’re concerned that we can’t take care of these patients in the way that we would want to.

Bonfatto’s Italian Market in Centre County. Luckily this is not the norm around here. Most businesses still have a sign up requiring masks for entry and compliance is good but definitely dropping among the boomer sect.

EDIT: Well just saw this :roll_eyes:
“Centre County reported its highest number of new COVID-19 cases in more than a month on Friday.”


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Fatboy’s pony is also fat.

Please don’t fat shame ponies.

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Feel pretty good about this spot. Order online, bartenders delivers with a mask (we put our masks on while he handed it to us) we are 20 feet away from anyone else right now. Just have to go at the right time.


Hopefully the baby isn’t an asymptomatic carrier