Oh its coming


From the Oscar-winning director of the 2008 blockbuster There’s No Recession Coming and the heartwarming 2018 rom-com GDP Will Grow Between 3 and 4 Percent

The guy is just god damn unabashedly wrong about EVERYTHING! And once he leaves this administration he will moonwalk right back into a minimum high-six-figure job at CNBC or Fox Business and continue being wrong until he dies. And there’s nothing you can do about it.


It’s like if Riverman were evil, rich, and powerful and specialized in economics instead of sports betting.


I mean it’s way more egregious! It’s like FDR standing in front of Congress on December 8 of 1941 saying Japan isn’t going to attack Pearl Harbor. It’s already happening you dullard!!!


Discourse isn’t tell me this has already been posted, so maybe I’m not being ponied by linking to a month-old article.

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Rt baby

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The south shall rise again!


How locked down is New York lately?

NYC started phase 1 of reopening on Monday. That means manufacturing and construction can resume and retail can open for curbside pickup. That means about 400,000 people are coming back to work, but that’s a small fraction of the city’s overall workforce.

You’ve had no construction, manufacturing or retail in NYC for months?

Essential retail like grocery stores and pharmacies stayed open, but all other retail had been closed.

Certain types of construction projects continued during the shutdown (e.g., renovating LaGuardia airport). But lots of construction projects were stopped. Roof and facade repairs for my apartment building were put on hold and just resumed this week.

I’m not sure what types of manufacturing operations were considered nonessential.

But the short answer is that the city was essentially shut down for almost 3 months.

This does not end well for the NBA. In other sports/covid news, NASCAR will have 1,000 fans (mostly active military) in Miami this week and 5,000 fans (prior ticketholders) in Talladega the following week.

The NASCAR thing doesn’t seem as crazy, that’s 2% of capacity and 3% of capacity, and it’s outdoors… So if it’s spaced out well, it’s fine. But then you’re trusting people to stay properly spaced out (with 43 race cars roaring, you can barely hear someone talk if they yell straight into your ear, there would be zero verbal communication from 6 feet away), not to tailgate in groups, etc… And you’re trusting them to do so in Florida and Alabama… So, LOL.


My kid’s summer day camp announced they aren’t going to open this summer, town shut it down. Understandable, but still bummed for the kid. This is in New Hampshire where rates have been low.

:popcorn: :crossed_fingers:

Days before Trump rally in Tulsa, city’s Whirlpool plant closes for COVID-19 outbreak

Read more here:

ive gone to the dark side. If they are both evil and stupid they get what they deserve Feel bad for the collateral damage but it’s going to happen regardless of what we wish for.


Yeah… except he’s paid to lie not paid to be right. There’s no way he believed any of that stuff when he said it. He’s not wrong, he’s doing his job. His position in the world is to be the guy randomly assigned credibility who is willing to sell that credibility to the position that pays the best.

He gets positions in administrations because he’s willing to lie for them, and he gets credibility because he had positions in administrations.

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Hey @Danspartan what does this 40% reduction in the daily growth rate mean for R0? Like if an R0 of 1.2 = 3.3% daily growth, what R0 = 1.98% daily growth?

What I’m really getting at is if the 40% number is accurate and we control all other variables and R0 = .99 with masks, what is R0 without masks?

This would tell us which states could get R0 < 1.0 with mandatory masks and compliance. Which would be useful if we weren’t in a nation full of covidiots, and instead will allow us to figure out just how big of an opportunity these states are blowing to reduce their active case load before cold and flu season.

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Yep. And there’s this: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | Tulsa Health Department

Is that a rise in your Seven Day Moving Average or are you just happy to TRANSITION TO GREATNESS?


Nah he’s right, in order for these to be separate waves they must crest and then break. Instead they crest and then a bigger wave sucks them into it and crests… Then a bigger wave sucks that wave into it and crests…

Friendly reminder when all of these “new daily record” numbers come out:

  • These are the results of tests that were conducted 2-7 days ago, and…
  • The tests are the results of symptoms that showed up 1-5 days before that, and…
  • The symptoms are the results of infections that occurred 3-7 days before that.

So we’re seeing a snapshot of infections somewhere between 6 and 19 days ago; probably somewhere in the middle of that range on average. The spike we’re seeing right now in red states is from Memorial Day.